A Camping Spree With Mr Magee Activities For Kids
Top educators bringing you the best resources for your classroom every day and always free! A Camping Spree with Mr. Magee Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping Bailey Goes Camping Cooking in a Can Curious George Goes Camping Flashlight.
50 books about summer to read with your kids. Summer is a great time of year, especially if you’re a kid. School is out, the sun is shining bright and hot and. Froggy Goes to Camp . Froggy's off to camp! He packs a lot into one week. BA= Color Box Art Available for an additional $3.00 FL= Film is in Foreign Language Lbx= Letterboxed or Widescreen format Subs= Film is subtitled.
The Good Life: All About Character Traits. Our reading Common Core standard the last two weeks was all about character traits. The thing is.. It's more about how characters change and react to things that happen around them. We've had a lot of fun examining and talking about characters so I wanted to share some of what we did. First of all, we had to go back and talk about character traits as a review from first and second grade.
We've been reading Ramona in the afternoons while they pack up so that was a good character for us to list character traits. We made sure to talk about the difference between inside traits and outside traits. Excuse the fact that Ramona looks like a man.. Next, I had the kids list character traits about themselves. They made those face- picture frames that are all over Pinterest.
You know what I'm talking about.. The next day, we started talking about how we have to provide textual evidence of the character traits. So, we read A Bad Case of Stripes and made a chart together to describe Camilla Cream. We kind of sequed from this chart to the one below. My friend Kate made this and it was such a great tool to help the kids explain how the character's traits change throughout the story. We did a lot of .
We made a chart together, then I gave the kids the traits for Strega Nona and they had to prove it to me, then I gave the kids their own books and had them find the traits and provide the evidence. It's not like I just thought it all up by myself. I have a great team!)This week, we focused more on how the characters change and drive the story. The Graduated Driver S License System One. We used another graphic organizer that Kate thought up and I made to do this.
It worked soooo well! We read The Great Fuzz Frenzy and filled in the chart to show how the dogs changed in the story. It was actually a great book to show change in characters. One day, we talked a lot about the characters different perspectives. We read Strega Nona Meets Her Match and filled in a graphic organizer. We also read A Camping Spree With Mr. Magee which could very well be one of my top 5 favorite children's books.
I just love all the rhyming and the pictures and the kiddos loved the story. We made a chart to go with it to talk about how the characters drive the story.
The kids came up with all the things by themselves - I just . We used the chart to talk about the characters in all the books we read. It was a great checklist to guide our discussion! The kids got good at telling how different characters did each of those things. When I read the book outloud, I had the kids turn their graphic organizer over on the back and write down character traits as they noticed them. They worked with a partner to then tellhow the character traits changed.
I didn't get a picture.. To wrap up the standard, I had the kids make a paper bag character report. I basically teamed the kids up and gave them a book that we had read in class.
Except the really high kids.. Each shape had a question on it: What are the character's likes and dislikes?
How did the character change? How did other characters react to them? What event did they cause to happen? What does the character think about? Crack For Arena 12 Rockwell Software Training on this page. What does the character say? I had them draw the character and glue them to the bag. Then, they cut out the shapes and glued them to the bag.
They also had to draw three objects that are important to the character or represent the character. It took them a looong time, but they worked so hard! I think they turned out a ton better than I was imagining. I'm glad they got into it and I could tell from their answers that they were thinking and having good discussions about the characters. We won't have time to do these all the time..