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College of Arts and Sciences Courses. ANTH 2. 12 Introduction to Historical Archeology 3. Prerequisite: ENGL 0. An introductory course in the archeology of historical period sites. Selections will be discussed and analyzed.
The objective of this course is to cultivate appreciation of Arabic literary heritage and to build awareness of Arabic cultural values, history and society. It also develops grammatical concepts and their applications in writing. The course is conducted in Arabic. The course will examine this era writers and literary tendencies, in addition to the emergence of a genre type, indicating the most prominent writers in each type, including (Al- Muwachih) the most distinctive Anadlusian art of poetry.
Its overall goal is to improve the understanding of the current Kuwaiti cultural environment, its components, and its relation to national and regional affairs. The course is conducted in Arabic. It studies their characteristics in different approach and different areas as they were illustrated by literary texts.
The course also examines the relation between literature as a cultural product and the society in the Arabic heritage. Install Microsoft Xps Document Writer Printer Windows Xp. The course considers the democratic experience in Kuwait and analyzes its constitution. The course will focus on reading, analyzing and critically commenting on political speeches and the local press. Students gain knowledge in the art of different cultures throughout time and build a foundation of theoretical concepts and core vocabulary. Critical and creative thinking skills are developed through the analysis and interpretation of artwork in the form of class lectures, discussions and essays. Using different drawing media and supports, students are encouraged to observe and explore different ways of representing a three- dimensional subject on the picture plane.
Lectures and class critiques provide an opportunity to communicate verbally about art. Class critiques of artwork provide an opportunity to communicate verbally about art. Painting assignments will be created with acrylic paint as the primary medium for this class. Media such as color pencils, pastel ink, and a variety of supports will be used. Concepts and media of drawing in color are introduced and emphasis is placed on the use of drawings as a means of personal self- expression. Class critiques of artwork provide an opportunity to communicate verbally about art.
The course will cover the impact of historical innovations on art and architecture during this time period in different geographical areas, including dramatic changes in visual language and construction styles. Basic ecological principles are applied to current environmental issues. Among the topics to be examined are past and present uses and abuses of natural resources; environmental ethics and public policy; global environmental problems; human population growth; pollution; waste disposal; habitat loss; species extinction; and strategies for attaining a sustainable earth. BIOL 1. 05 Human Biology 3. Prerequisite: Non- CS student & English level 3 or above. This is an introduction to scientific methods and experimentation studies of life from basic atoms to cellular levels of organization.
Emphasis on human biology and its different organs in general educational lecture is followed. This course is designed for non- science major students. Topics covered include the scientific method; cell structure and function; biochemistry, fundamentals of genetics and molecular biology; biotechnology, and current issues in biology. This course is designed for science majors and minors and prepares students for upper level biology courses. Students not only learn basic biological information but also gain experience practicing laboratory techniques.
It includes basic techniques for handling the organism, experimental design, data collection, interpretation, and scientific writing. Example physiological processes in major organ systems are studied at the chemical, cellular and organ level. This course is designed for science majors and minors and prepares the students for upper level biology laboratory courses. Highlights the chemical principles with little emphasis on calculations for non- science major students.
Provides essential topics; Molecular Reasons. The chemist's toolbox, Atoms and Elements, Molecules, Compounds, and Chemical Reactions, Energy for Today and Tomorrow, The Air Around Us, The Liquids & Solids Around Us; Especially Water, Acids and Bases.
Describes the central role chemistry plays in our daily life by showing some interesting applications. This course will identify essential concepts first by indicating the importance of chemistry in our lives, explaining atoms, expressing the atomic structures, classifying the chemical bonds, and chemical calculations, emphasizing the properties of gases, liquids, and solids, in addition to summarizing the concepts of acids, bases and reviewing organic chemistry.
At the end of the course, the students will obtain the skills of making short conversations in Chinese, reading simple Chinese texts and writing basic Chinese characters. The curriculum also provides a brief introduction to the Chinese culture. This course introduces database development using Microsoft Access and Web page document creation using Microsoft Expression Web.
The course heavily targets utilizing the Joomla Content Management System to design and develop e- commerce Web applications such as online reservation systems, government applications, small business Web sites, corporate Web sites, portals, and many other applications. CS & MIS students can take course only before finishing 4. Topics include: basics of problem solving techniques, game programming, mobile applications, and website development. Additional topics may include DDE, OLE, and interactions with databases. Topics include: problem solving fundamentals, programming basics, variables and expressions, input/output, control structures, functions, strings and files. Topics include: Website basic elements, Web page design, creating site content, and launching a web site. Topics include: basic procedural concepts, objects, classes, interface, methods, encapsulation, information hiding, and inheritance.
Topics include: basic logic, sets, relations, functions, proof techniques, counting methods, recursion, trees and graphs. A discussion of dynamic data structures, such as lists, binary trees, stacks, queues, and symbol tables will be presented.
An introduction to modular programming, program specification and verification, and analysis of algorithms will be given. Topics include: polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces, exception handling, graphical user interface, and modelling notations.
Number systems. Binary arithmetic. Boolean algebra. Combinational logic design.
Sequential logic design (controllers). Data Path components (e. Registers, adders, register files , etc.). Memory components (e. Register transfer level (RTL) design. Introduction to dynamic programming, preparing students majoring in computer science for international and regional ACM programming contests.
Topics discussed may include data representation, digital logic, and basic circuits such as ALU, multiplexers, decoders, flip- flops, register, RAM and ROM memory, memory hierarchies, I/O devices, pipelining, parallel and RISC architectures, etc. Topics covered may include addressing modes, stack manipulations and applications for reentrant and recursive modules, memory interfacing, I/O device interfacing, and serial and parallel communication. In addition, this course explores advanced features of the C programming language, including various file processing, command- line and variable arguments, exception handling, and generic interfacing.
Introduction to latest web technologies (HTML 5) for building mobile web applications. Mobile OS including Android and i. OS (i. Phone/i. Pad).