Basic Computer Hardware And Software Ppt Presentation
Computer Terminology - Software. Computers seem to perform. All. they do is plod along executing long strings of instructions that were. The thing that makes. Computers. smart; they are just FAST. But computers can’t do ANYTHING without step- by- step. These lists of instructions are called programs.
The operating system allows application. The operating system.
It is the OS that. CPU when, and handles the flow of data. The operating system also includes software that provides.
An operating environment could be a. GUI. pronounced “gooey”). IBM PC computers originally.
PC- DOS operating system (also sold by Microsoft to other PC. MS- DOS). DOS is a general term that means “Disk Operating. System” and old examples. DOS 3. 3 for Apple II computers, and TRS- DOS of Radio. Shack TRS- 8. 0 computer. However, when most people use the term DOS. Microsoft’s. DOS for the PC —.
PC” (which just. means personal computer) to refer specifically to the IBM- PC and the. PC- compatible computers descended from it. Windows Xp Download Gratis Portugues Baixaki Ares.
Application software runs on top of the operating system and allows the user to perform a specific task, such as word processing a letter, calculating a.
- BIOS (basic input/output system) is the program a personal computer's microprocessor uses to get the computer system started after you turn it on. It also manages.
- Faculty Name. Email; Armstrong, Piers. Mtofigh, Maryam. Abbott, Mary Ann.
Most PCs today use some version of. Microsoft Windows operating. Windows 2. 00. 0 or Windows XP). A smaller number of PCs use. Linux operating. system (a Unix- like OS). Macintosh computers use some variation of the Macintosh OS.
GUI operating system. Older macs may use Mac OS 9, but newer. Macs use Mac OS X (pronounced “O S. OS X is built on top of Free. BSD, a Unix- like OS. High- end microcomputer workstations, file servers, and. Unix operating. system.
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System software also includes the software. Such software is called a device. I/O to the peripheral. The device drivers may come already installed. OS, or you may have to install or update a driver when you add. System software may also include security software, such. Virus checkers and firewalls.
A virus checker searches. To be safe, you. should scan all downloaded files and messages on your PC (anti- virus. Utilities are. programs that perform a very specific task, usually related to managing. Unlike application. Some utilities are memory- resident programs. RAM and operate in the background.
System software also includes the. These. include compilers, assemblers, and debuggers for various computer.
A programming language allows a person to write. Some programming languages include. C, C++, Java, FORTRAN, COBOL, PASCAL, BASIC, Visual Basic (and such scripting. Java. Script and Perl). Application Software.