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How The CIA And Military Control The Music Industry by Wes Penre - Illuminati News - 2. December 2. 00. 8 How the CIA and Military. Control the Music Industry by Wes Penre. Adobe Premiere Pro Cs3 Crack Only Coreldraw. Illuminati News. 21st December 2.
Link Crosby Stills Nash & Young. When everything else in the world seems to be upside down, at least we can find our comfort in rock music, by listening to our old heroes, who truly know what the world is about and how to rebel against it.
Although it has been a challenge and I have had wonderful, and not so wonderful, responses over the years, there is one subject I have brought up that has caused more upsets and uproar than any other, and that is the exposure of the music industry, to which I have dedicated a whole section. It is a holy cow, indeed. Whether this is a myth or if it's true, I leave for you to decide, but strange things are happening behind the scenes in the Music Industry and unfortunately, the rock stars most of us have worshipped are not always what we thought they were. Although the Robert Johnson story could be a myth, he is not the only one claiming to have sold his soul to the Devil for fame and fortune. There are quite a few admitting to the same thing, where Bob Dylan is one of them as we shall see later in this article. By now, more and more people become aware of that this world is to a major degree controlled by a secret cabal we call the Illuminati, a Shadow Government if you will, who wants to create a New World Order and a One World Government. They have already taken over a big part of world politics, business, education and religious movements.
This fact is accepted by many, because the evidence is overwhelming, so why would this cabal, who wants total control and the ability to take over our minds and thinking processes, leave the film and music industries alone? If I were them, the music and film industries would be two of the first things I wanted to control. Because here you have a golden opportunity to influence the masses and lead them in any direction you want. All you need to do is to create super heroes (Gods) that people can look up to and follow. Although Bob Dylan sings in . By writing those lines, his audience would be even more attached to him and he would really create followers.
So it's a contradiction, and some would call it . Black Sabbath We see a similar phenomenon when Black Sabbath is singing about how we should fear the Devil and cry to God for help.
How come then they are not creating a Christian fellowship, but instead it has the opposite effect? It is because they are actually leading the audience into violence and darkness by tuning down the guitars to lower vibrations, turning up the volume to maximum and repeating hypnotic riffs over and over again. What stays in people's minds is not that we should turn to God, but that Black Sabbath is singing about the Devil and demon possession and it's cool.
People start getting interested in mysticism and occultism of the darkest kind instead, as per the plan. It's mind control, my friends.
But it's not just the audience that is mind controlled, so are many of the artists as well, which brings me to the real purpose of this article - to expose who is pulling the strings on the artists and ultimately - us! This destroyed the lives of the victims and many of them died as a result of the experiments. The government created Manchurian Candidates to use in the Cold War, but also as political assassins in general. However, we are told that these experiments stopped some time in the 1. American history. Victims and researchers are telling us different, though. These experiments have continued up to this day, but under other code names and are now even more sophisticated.
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The Illuminati scientists are very knowledgeable about how the human mind works and understand how to manipulate it. Same old techniques with new labels.. It is an amazing body of research, where he effectively is pointing out the fact that more often than not, the top artists within the music and film industries, their managers and producers have military and/or military intelligence connections. Many are also involved in organized crime, drug dealing, murder, prostitution, child pornography, snuff movies and black magic. Here are a few examples of musicians from the hippie era, who have family ties to people within the U. S. Military: Jim Morrison of . Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison.
Jim was more or less brought up on military bases and abused by his father. Frank himself, although one of those who was in the frontline of creating the Hippie Movement, never made it a secret that he had nothing but contempt for this culture. He was also a great supporter of the Vietnam War. Frank was married to Adelaide Gail Sloatman, who comes from a . Gail herself had once worked as a secretary for the Office of Naval Research and Development (she also once told an interviewer that she had “heard voices all . Many years before their nearly simultaneous arrival in Laurel Canyon, Gail had attended a Naval kindergarten with “Mr.
The very same Jim Morrison had later attended the same Alexandria, Virginia high school as two other future Laurel Canyon luminaries – John Phillips and Cass Elliott. Naval Academy at Annapolis.. John married Susie Adams, a direct descendant of .
Susie’s father, James Adams, Jr., had been involved in what Susie described as “cloak- and- dagger stuff with the Air Force in Vienna,” or what we like to call covert intelligence operations. Susie herself would later find employment at the Pentagon, alongside John Phillip’s older sister, Rosie, who dutifully reported to work at the complex for nearly thirty years. John’s mother, . Stills was educated primarily at schools on military bases and at elite military academies. Like others in this story, Floyd Crosby spent much of his post- service time traveling the world. Those travels landed him in places like Haiti, where he paid a visit in 1. U. S. One of the Marines doing that occupying was a guy that we met earlier by the name of Captain Claude Andrew Phillips.
Small world, Wes Penre's comment). It also includes, I should hasten to add – for those of you with a taste for such things – more than a few high- ranking Masons. Stephen Van Rensselaer III, for example, reportedly served as Grand Master of Masons for New York. And if all that isn’t impressive enough, according to the New England Genealogical Society, David Van Cortlandt Crosby is also a direct descendant of . Browne’s father was assigned to post- war . As readers of my “Understanding the F- Word” may recall, U. S. Against that backdrop, Jackson Browne was born in a military hospital in Heidelberg, Germany.
Information was uncovered by Hendrix' biographers Harry Shapiro and Caesar Glebeek in their book, . Gary Patterson in his book, Hellbounds on Their Trail: Tales from the Rock . The following is a summary of their collective findings: * Jeffrey often boasted of .
The friends gave the documents to Hendrix, who reportedly took legal actions to recover the embezzled money. Dashboard Symbols And Meanings Vw Golf more. At that time, Hendrix told film director Chuck Wein: .
During the war years, she moved with her parents to a number of bases in western Canada. Van Kuijk was stationed in Hawaii, at a base commanded by a Captain Tom Parker. After leaving the service, van Kuijk adopted the name Tom Parker. I strongly recommend that you read the whole series of articles by David Mc.
Gowan. It is stunning to learn that all these people mentioned above (except Col. Tom Parker) moved approximately at the same time to Laurel Canyon in California, without knowing each other beforehand (at least that's what we are supposed to believe), and there they started the Hippie Movement together.
And here is the key: they all had military connections!
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