Drinking Beer And Smoking Crack Images

Cocaine, also known as coke, is a strong stimulant mostly used as a recreational drug. It is commonly snorted, inhaled as smoke, or as a solution injected into a vein.
Is Coconut Water Good for You? By Dr. Mercola. I have long been a fan of coconut oil as one of the most health- promoting of all plant- based fats. I have spent nearly 1.
Hawaii, where fresh coconuts off the tree are readily available. Coconut oil comes from the . But today, I'd like to share a little information about coconut oil's best friend: coconut water. If you've ever picked up a fresh coconut in the grocery store and shaken it, you've heard the liquid sloshing inside—this is coconut water.
Both coconut water and coconut milk come from coconuts, but they are not the same thing. Coconut Milk versus Coconut Water. Coconut milk, known in Malaysia and Indonesia as . Coconut milk is a rich source of healthy fat, protein, and energy and is often used in cooking, especially in Asian cuisine.
Get Health Facts Alcohol Debate: How Drinking Affects Your Health. My cat, Artemis, is a bustling career woman. She has many jobs that she juggles between stealing my hair ties and spilling her kibble; in addition to serving as the. Short tales of transcendent drinking from around the world. New editions every afternoon. One in four patients lies to their doctor. But they’re not exactly getting away with it. What fibs are doctors tired of hearing? And why is it best to fess up? Instal Mac On Pc Usb Oscilloscope more.
Bottle tops turn your. Why Does Being in the Heat Make Us Feel Tired? The reason for this lethargy is simple: Your body is working hard to keep you cool, and this extra labor makes you feel.
Coconut milk comprises of about 5. Asian section of your grocery store.
Coconut water, on the other hand, is a clear, light, refreshing liquid (9. These look much different from the brown hairy ones you commonly see in the produce section—they are white, smooth, and pointed on one end, flat on the other.
When you can find them, young coconuts will be in the refrigerated produce section because they are perishable. Coconut water is the liquid part of the endosperm (kernel) of the coconut fruit. When coconuts are immature, the endosperm is semisolid and jelly- like. As the coconut matures, the endosperm becomes more solid and fibrous, developing into the firmer coconut meat with which you are familiar. As the coconut matures, the water inside is replaced by more coconut . Not only is coconut water good for you, it's good for plants too, having been traditionally used as a growth supplement in plant propagation. As a result of the rich volcanic soils and mineral- rich seawater in which coconut palms grow, coconut water's nutritional profile is very impressive.
Coconut water is: Rich in natural vitamins (especially the B vitamins), minerals, and trace elements (including zinc, selenium, iodine, sulfur, and manganese). Vitamins are necessary for the enzymatic reactions your cells need in order to function. How To Unregister Adobe Lightroom For Mac.
Full of amino acids, organic acids, enzymes, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Rich source of electrolytes and natural salts, especially potassium and magnesium. Light, low- calorie and nearly fat- free, as well as low in sugar but pleasantly sweet—contains about a fifth of the sugar of other fruit juices, like apple or grape juice, as well as containing a little fiber to moderate absorption. Rich in cytokinins, or plant hormones, which have anti- aging, anti- cancer, and anti- thrombolytic effects in humans. Coconut water also has an alkalizing effect on your body, which can help correct the cumulative effects of acidifying foods that make up most diets today. For a complete nutritional profile, refer to the tables at the Coconut Research Center site.
The list of health benefits of coconut water is impressive, and growing by leaps and bounds with each new scientific study. Coconut Water's Abundance of Health Benefits.
Addressing every one of these areas is beyond the scope of one article, but I would like to touch on a few of the most impressive areas where coconut water may give your health a boost. According to Bruce Fife, author of Coconut Water for Health and Healing and one of the leading coconut experts, scientific research and clinical observation have shown coconut water to have the following broad- spanning health benefits: Rehydration. Increased exercise performance Cardioprotective (rich in potassium and magnesium); helps regulate blood pressure, improve circulation, reduces plaque formation Anti- inflammatory; reduces swelling in hands and feet Prevents abnormal blood clotting Aids in kidney function (preventing and dissolving kidney stones, UTI remedy) Helps balance blood glucose and insulin levels Digestive tonic (rich in enzymes); feeds friendly gut flora Diarrhea and constipation remedy. Anti- aging properties Enhances skin health (elasticity, age spots, wrinkles), improves wound healing Enhances eye health (cataracts, glaucoma) Supports good immune function; antimicrobial (contains monolaurin) Helps prevent osteoporosis Anti- cancer properties Fresh Coconut Water: Perfect Electrolyte Balance from Mother Nature. Electrolytes. 3 are inorganic compounds that become ions in solution and have the capacity to conduct electricity.
They are important for electrical signaling—and of course your brain, heart, muscles, and nervous system are all bioelectrical systems. Your cells use electrolytes to maintain voltage across their membranes and carry electrical impulses to other cells. Things like water balance and blood p. H depend on your body's proper electrolyte balance, and you can suffer severe medical problems if your electrolytes fall out of balance. Fresh coconut water is one of the richest natural sources of electrolytes and can be used to prevent dehydration from strenuous exercise, vomiting, or diarrhea.
You lose electrolytes (especially sodium and potassium) when you sweat, which must be replenished with food and water intake. Because coconut water naturally contains so many electrolytes, it's been called . Coconut water contains 2. Sodium: The most important positive ion in fluid outside your cells, and also the one most depleted with exercise, as you lose sodium through sweat and urine Magnesium: important for maintaining the electrical potential of your cells, proper muscle function, and preventing calcium overload Phosphorus: Plays important roles in bone health, but also in transferring energy throughout your body, helping your muscles contract, and regulating nerve function (partners with calcium) Calcium: Important for bone health (partners with phosphorous) Coconut Water Is The ONLY 'Sports Drink' I Recommend.
For most average exercisers and athletes, sports drinks are not only a waste of your money, but more importantly, can actually worsen the health of most who use them. Less than one percent of those who use sports drinks actually benefit from them.
Most sports drinks are loaded with things you DON'T want, like refined sugars, artificial colors, and chemicals, none of which are in natural coconut water. If you exercise for 3. It's only when you've been exercising for longer periods, such as for more than 6. Besides plain water, coconut water is one of the best and safest options to rehydrate yourself after a strenuous workout. If you need the electrolytes, it will provide them. If you don't need them, then it certainly won't hurt you. And as you're learning, coconut water has a mountain of other health benefits in addition to rehydration, which no commercial sports drink in the world can provide.
Depending on how much salt you've lost through sweating, you might even add a tiny pinch of natural Himalayan salt to your glass of coconut water. One study in 2. 00. Coconut water is sterile when it comes out of the coconut, and extremely similar in composition to human blood plasma. These unique properties make it so completely compatible with the human body that it can be infused intravenously into your bloodstream.
Physicians have actually used coconut water successfully as an IV fluid for more than 6. You can appreciate how safe and beneficial this natural beverage is, if it can be used intravenously! Cytokinins: Secret Fountain of Youth Revealed! Possibly the most important nutritional constituent in coconut water—more beneficial than the electrolytes, vitamins and minerals, and amino acids—is something you've likely never even heard of: cytokinins. Cytokinins. 6 are phytohormones, or plant hormones. These hormones regulate the growth, development, and aging of a plant. Coconut water has been an important horticultural resource, used in the propagation of several plants, including orchids and traditional Chinese medicinal herbs.
The cytokinins found in coconut water support cell division, and thus promote rapid growth. But what does this have to do with humans?
Lies You Need to Stop Telling Your Doctor and Why It’s Best to Tell the Truth“Sure, doc, I eat all my veggies and exercise every day.” Many of us are guilty of these little white lies. The fibs you feed your doctor may seem harmless, but they can have a big impact on your health care. Surveys show that at least 1 in 4 people don’t tell the truth, exaggerate, or purposely leave out details during an exam.
Maybe you feel ashamed or just want to avoid a lecture. But guess what? Your doc is on to you. Slight tells like avoiding eye contact and fidgeting send clues to your doctor. Plus, he’s heard every tall tale in the book. Doctors can’t assume you’re telling the whole truth, says Marc Leavey, MD, with Lutherville Personal Physicians in Maryland. I only party on the weekend.
I only smoke crack or eat lard on weekends,” says Donald Ford, MD, when asked about his list of pet peeve fibs. He’s a family doctor at Hillcrest Hospital in Mayfield Heights, OH. Most patients won’t admit to how much they really drink. Only 1 in 6 even mention it in the exam room. If you say you only had three beers this week, chances are your doc thinks you had a six- pack. Usually, “whatever a patient tells . Drugs and excess alcohol don’t do a body good.
It's important to talk about current and past habits. Don't worry about getting into trouble. What you tell your doctor is “kept confidential, even to authorities in most situations,” Doyle says. I watch what I eat. If you've ever said, “Sure, doc, I eat a balanced, healthy diet,” you're not alone.
It's OK to indulge every now and then, but be honest about your slip- ups. Fess up because .. Enjoying a fatty burger or sweet frapp. It's just a vitamin. Did you tell your doctor about that over- the- counter supplement you took to help you sleep or fight a cold? So they don't tell us, and we might miss something,” Ford says.
Fess up because .. Everything you put in your body - - air, water, food, medicine, vitamins, minerals - - affects your health.
Some supplements may have side effects that can interfere with your prescription drugs or other conditions you have. I take my medicine as directed. Three out of four people have trouble taking medicine as directed. Some never even fill their prescription. Others don't tell their primary care doctors about drugs given to them by other doctors.
Don’t mix meds without asking first. Fess up because .. Medicine doesn’t work if you don’t take it.
It can be dangerous if you take more than you should. You might even become resistant to it, meaning that the drug stops working altogether.
On the flip side, stopping cold turkey could cause more health problems. And if you don’t take your full dose of antibiotics, your symptoms could come back.
I'll get to it later.“I'll quit smoking after spring break.” “I'll get my mammogram next month.” “That colonoscopy you ordered is on my to- do list.” These are all common fibs, Ford says. Fess up because ..“It's not that every single thing should be urgent. It's just that there's no reason to delay on things that make us healthy,” he says. At the end of the day, your medical record is only as good as the information you give.
Leavey, MD, primary care specialist, Lutherville Personal Physicians; blogger, String of Medical Pearls. Roswell Park Cancer Institute: “When Patients Lie to You.”Palmieri, P. The Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2. Lores, O. Archivos de bronconeumolog.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, December 2. Enevoldson, TP. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 2. Benjamin, R. Public Health Reports, January- February 2. CDC: “Medication Adherence.”. All rights reserved.