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Free English grammar exercises and tests online. English grammar is a basic skill that every English learner should learn carefully. In this section, each grammar topic provides you questions and answers. Basic grammar tests contain explanations of correct answers. The explanations help you to refresh your knowledge about your tested topic. Don't forget to read direction of each test before you start. Cheat Engine Fly Hack Tutorial To Nine. You can download some free tests for offline use.
I. Basic Grammar. Articles (A, An, The)Have and Have got. Have, Has, Had Plural Nouns. Adjectives. Adverbs.
Adjectives and Adverbs. Am, is, are. Were, Was.
There is/There are/There was/There were. Do, Does, Did, Done My/Your His/Her/Its. Our/Their. I/My/Mine/Me. You/Your/Yours. He/His/Him. She/Her/Hers. We/Our/Ours/Us. They/Their/Theirs/Them. This/That/These/Those.
What, Which, Why, When Who, Whose, Whom Embedded Questions II. English Tenses III. Advanced Grammar. IV. Commonly Confused Words.
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- English Grammar Placement Test. By taking this grammar-based test you can obtain an approximate rating of your English language skills. The test consists of four.
- Ver·sa·tile (vûr. Capable of doing many things competently. Having varied uses or serving many functions: "The most versatile of.
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