How To Crack Wpa With Backtrack Without Dictionary Definition
Complete Google Hacks List . Sometimes you want to find all of your search terms in a document, and sometimes you want to find either one term or another. The term for this type of search is “Boolean.” The term “Boolean” comes from Nineteenth Century mathematician George Boole. Thx to handymann.
The literal definition of the word is “secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose.” When it comes to competition and antitrust.
How to Find Some or All of Your Search Terms in Google. There are two basic Boolean search commands supported in Google, AND and OR. AND searches search for all the search terms, “Car AND Insurance,” (all documents containing both Car and Insurance) while OR searches search for one term or the other, “Car OR Insurance.” (all documents containing either Car or Insurance)ANDGoogle defaults to AND searches automatically, so you don’t need to type “AND” into the search engine to get that result. ORIf you want to find one keyword or another, use the term OR. It’s important that you use all caps, or Google will ignore your request. To find all documents containing either sausages or biscuits, type: sausages OR biscuits. You can also substitute the .
I am writing a program that needs A LOT of words of the English language. I am trying to find a dictionary file that has a lot of words. Does anyone know of a good. MS Paint, the first app you used for editing images, will probably be killed off in future updates of Windows 10, replaced by the new app Paint 3D. Microsoft lists. Complete Google Hacks List (and some more) is moved here from the comment. I hope 'll ensemble older short list of examples for efective search (hacking.
Searching for “sausage biscuits” will search for only the exact phrase sausage biscuits. It will ignore sausage and cheese biscuits. Searching for “sausage biscuits” . You could even combine exact phrases and search for “sausage biscuit” (Find Exactly What You Want. Sometimes you want to exclude a keyword from Google searches, and sometimes you want to include a word that Google thinks is too common and usually excludes.
Including Words. Google automatically ignores many common words, such as “and,” “or,” “of,” “a,” etc. It also ignores some single digits or letters. This is usually not a bad thing, because the common words would just slow searches down and not yield better results. Occasionally it might be important to include one of these words in your search results. There are two ways to do this. One technique is to use quotation marks. Anything inside quotation marks is automatically included in the search, and the search will include the exact phrase.
For instance, “Rocky I” searches for the exact phrase Rocky I and will not find lyrics to “I Love Rocky Road.”Another way to force common words in your searches is with the plus sign. Searching for Rocky +I would find references to the movie and the Weird Al song. Make sure that you do put a space before the plus sign and do not put a space between the plus sign and the search word you want to include. Otherwise, the forced inclusion won’t work. Excluding Words. In some search engines, you’d exclude words by using the “NOT” syntax. This doesn’t work with Google. Install Horde Groupware Webmail Ubuntu here.
Use the minus sign instead. If you were researching health issues, and you wanted to find out about pot bellies, you wouldn’t want to find out about pot- bellied pigs.
To conduct this search, you could type “pot bellied” - pig. Just as with the plus sign, put a space before the minus sign but do not put a space between the minus sign and the word or phrase you want excluded. You can also exclude a phrase by enclosing it in quotation marks, so if you were researching livestock swine, you could search for pigs - “pot bellied” to exclude any mention of pot- bellied pigs. This wouldn’t exclude pages that talked about pig bellies, because it only excludes the exact phrase “pot bellied.”How to Search Only the Body Text of Pages in Google. Ignore Links, Titles, and URLs. Occasionally you might want to restrict your searches to only the text of Web sites and ignore all the links, Titles, and URLs. This might be useful if you wanted to find Web pages that were talking about other Web sites.
The command to search only the body text is intext: To find Web pages talking about Google, for example, you could search for: intext: review google. You can also use the variation allintext: Allintext searches for all of the specified words in the body text, but it can’t be combined with other commands. How to Search Within Web Site Titles– Find Web Pages by Title.
The “title” of a Web page is the name of the page as it appears on the top of your Web browser. For instance, the title of this page is How to Search Within Web Site Titles Using Google’s Intitle: Syntax.
Sometimes you may want to find Web pages where one or more words appear in the title of the page. For instance, many Web pages may mention feeding iguanas, even if that’s not the main focus of the page. If you’d like to find a page dedicated to iguana feeding, you can use the Google syntax intitle: to force Google to only list results that have the word “feeding” in the title.
Do not put a space between the colon and the next word. The search would look something like this: intitle: feeding iguana. This will find Web pages that are relevant to the keyphrase “feeding iguana,” and it will only list results that have the word “feeding” in the title. If you’d like to restrict the search further, you could search for: intitle: feeding intitle: iguana. You can also use the syntax allintitle: which only list results where all the words in the key phrase are in the title. How to Restrict Your Search to Specific File Types– Find by File Type.
Google can let you restrict your searches to only certain file types. This can be very helpful if you’re looking specifically for file types, such as Power. Point, (ppt) Word, (doc) or Adobe PDF. To restrict your search to a specific file type, use the filetype: command. For example, try searching for: hotel filetype: doc. You can use this same syntax with Google Desktop.
To search for that forgotten widget report, try: widget report filetype: doc. How to Use Google to Search Withing a Single Web Site. Ever want to use Google to search a single Web site?
You can use Google’s site: syntax to restrict your search to a single Web site. Make sure there’s no space between site: and your Web site. Follow with a space and then your search terms. You don’t need to use the “http: //” portion of your URL.
Web sites within a domain. Google’s site: syntax can be mixed with other syntax. How to Restrict Your Google Search to Specific Domains or Specific Countries– Easy Google Trick to Find Better Results. Most Web sites have a . Sometimes it’s better to restrict your searches to other domains, such as . One great example of this is if you are looking for information about textbooks, but you didn’t want to buy a textbook.
An unrestricted Google search would mostly yield results from Web sites selling textbooks. One way to avoid this problem is to restrict your search to American universities. To do this, you’d search for: site: edu textbook. You can use this to restrict searches are to US government sites site: gov, or only specific countries site: uk. You can combine the site: syntax with many other types of Google syntax.
I’m Feeling Lucky Button. TM – Are You Feeling Lucky? One of the most notable objects on the Google Web search is the I’m Feeling Lucky. TM button. The button may have been named as a play on the Clint Eastwood line in the movie Dirty Harry.“Do you feel lucky, punk? Well, do you?”Ordinarily when you type in a key phrase in a Google search, you press the search button, (you can also just press return or enter on your keyboard) and Google returns a results page that shows multiple Web sites matching your search phrase. The I’m Feeling Lucky. TM button skips the search results page and goes directly to the first ranked page for that search phrase.
If you type “white house” in the search box and press I’m Feeling Lucky. TM you’ll go straight to www. If you type “apple” into the search box and press I’m Feeling Lucky. TM you’ll go directly to Apple Computer’s Web site.
I’m Feeling Lucky. TM is very handy if you’re fairly confident that the first result in the search engine is going to be exactly the page you want to find. It saves time and clicking to just go to the page with the first click. Using the I’m Feeling Lucky.
TM button is also a common game for Google bombs. It adds an element of surprise to the joke.
Powerful Penetration Testing Tools For Every Penetration Tester — Software Testing Help. Wouldn’t it be fun if a company hired you to hack its website/ network/ Server? Well, Yeah!!! Penetration testing, commonly called as pen- testing is a on a roll in the testing circle these days. The reason is not hard to guess – with the change in the way computer systems are used and built, security takes the center stage.
Even though companies realize they can’t make every system 1. That’s where Pen- testing comes handy with its use of ethical hacking techniques. For more details check these guides: => Penetration testing – the complete guide=> Security testing of web & desktop applications. Let us now quickly see: What is Penetration Testing? It’s the method of testing where the areas of weakness in software systems in terms of security are put to test to determine, if . It starts with a list of Vulnerabilities/potential problem areas that would cause a security breach for the systems. Step #2. If possible, this list of items has to be ranked in the order of priority/criticality.
Step #3. Devise penetration tests that would work (attack your system) from both within the network and outside (externally) to determine if you can access data/network/server/website unauthorized. Step #4. If the unauthorized access is possible, the system has to be corrected and the series of steps need to be re- run until the problem area is fixed. Who performs Pen- testing? Testers/ Network specialists/ Security Consultants. Note: it is important to note that pen- testing is not the same as vulnerability testing. The intention of vulnerability testing is just to identify potential problems, whereas pen- testing is to attach those problems.
Good news is, you do not have to start the process by yourself – you have a number of tools already in the market. This is because; by definition pen- testing is exploiting the weak spots.
So there are some software/tools that will show you the weak spots, some that show and attack. Literally speaking, the . It is based on the concept of . If entered, it runs a . It has a command- line and a GUI clickable interface, works on Linux, Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. This is a commercial product, although there might be free limited trials available.
Download link: Metasploit Download. Wireshark. This is basically a network protocol analyzer –popular for providing the minutest details about your network protocols, packet information, decryption etc. It can be used on Windows, Linux, OS X, Solaris, Free. BSD, Net. BSD, and many other systems. The information that is retrieved via this tool can be viewed through a GUI, or the TTY- mode TShark utility. It has a command- line and a GUI clickable interface, works Microsoft Windows.
This is one of the expensive tools in this line and all the information can be found at below page. Download link: CORE Impact download. Back Track. Back Track works only on Linux Machines. The new version is called Kali Linux. This is one of the best tools available for Packet sniffing and injecting.
An expertise in TCP/IP protocol and networking are key to succeed using this tool. For information and to download a free copy, visit below page. Download link: Back Track download. Netsparker. Netsparker comes with a robust web application scanner that will identify vulnerabilities, suggest remedial action etc. This tool can also help exploit SQL injection and LFI (local file induction). It has a command- line and GUI interface, works only on Microsoft Windows.
This is a commercial product, although there might be free limited trials available at below page. Download link: Netsparker download.
Nessus. Nessus also is a scanner and one that needs to be watched out for. It is one of the most robust vulnerability identifier tools available.
It specializes in compliance checks, Sensitive data searches, IPs scan, website scanning etc. It works on most of the environments. Download link: Nessus download. Adobe Cs6 Design And Web Premium Crack Download. Burpsuite. Burp suite is also essentially a scanner (with a limited “intruder” tool for attacks), although many security testing specialists swear that pen- testing without this tool is unimaginable. The tool is not free, but very cost effective. Take a look at it on below download page. It mainly works wonders with intercepting proxy, crawling content and functionality, web application scanning etc.
It uses network sniffing, Dictionary, Brute- Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, cache uncovering and routing protocol analysis methods to achieve this. Check out information about this free to use tool at below page. This is exclusively for Microsoft operating systems. Download link: Cain & Abel download. Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)ZAP is a completely free to use, scanner and security vulnerability finder for web applications. ZAP includes Proxy intercepting aspects, variety of scanners, spiders etc.
It works on most platforms and the more information can be obtained from below page. Download link: ZAP download. Acunetix. Acunetix is essentially a web vulnerability scanner targeted at web applications. It provides SQL injection, cross site scripting testing, PCI compliance reports etc. While this is among the more . This tool works on most of the environments, although it’s primarily for UNIX systems.
It is considered one of the fastest tools in this genre. Password hash code and strength- checking code are also made available to be integrated to your own software/code which I think is very unique.
This tool comes in a pro and free form. Check out its site to obtain the software on this page. Download link: John the Ripper download. Retina. As opposed to a certain application or a server, Retina targets the entire environment at a particular company/firm. It comes as a package called Retina Community.
It is a commercial product and is more of a vulnerability management tool more than a pen- testing tool. It works on having scheduled assessments and presenting results. Check out more about this package at below page. Download link: Retina download. Sqlmap. Sqlmap is again a good open source pen testing tool.
This tool is mainly used for detecting and exploiting SQL injection issues in an application and hacking over of database servers. It comes with command- line interface. Platform: Linux, Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows are supported platforms. All versions of this tool are free for download.
Download link: Sqlmap download. Canvas. Immunity’s CANVAS is a widely used tool that contains more than 4. It renders itself useful for web applications, wireless systems, networks etc. It has a command- line and GUI interface, works on Linux, Apple Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows.
It is not free of charge and can more information can be found at below page. Download link: Canvas download. Social Engineer Toolkit. The Social- Engineer Toolkit (SET) is a unique tool in terms that the attacks are targeted at the human element than on the system element. It has features that let you send emails, java applets, etc containing the attack code.
It goes without saying that this tool is to be used very carefully and only for . It is open source and can be found at below page. Download link: SET download. Sqlninja. Sqlninja, as the name indicates is all about taking over the DB server using SQL injection in any environment.
This product by itself claims to be not so stable its popularity indicates how robust it is already with the DB related vulnerability exploitation. It has a command- line interface, works on Linux, Apple Mac OS X and not on Microsoft Windows. It is open source and can be found at this page.
Download link: Sqlninja download. Nmap“Network Mapper” though not necessarily a pen- testing tool, it is a must- have for the ethical hackers. This is a very popular tool that predominantly aids in understanding the characteristics of any target network. The characteristics can include: host, services, OS, packet filters/firewalls etc.