How To Install Deb Files With Ifunbox
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So i started searching on Google to see if anyone else have had the same problem with “other files” eating up i. Phone memory, and there seemed to be quite a lot of people out there experiencing the same issue, but a lack of clear explanations as how you can fix it. A lot 0f the people who has experienced this issue had chosen to do a complete restore of the i. Phone, a task that depending on the i.
Phone model you have could take +5 hours and a lot of headache. Then i came across a post from Ti. Pb. com on resetting i. Phone when “other files” take up memory and how they had done a complete restore, but in the comments, and there were lots of them, some of the readers suggested alternative ways to do it that seemed easier and less time heavy. I used the method suggested and it worked out really well for me, and saved me a lot of time, so i decided to share the step- by- step guide on how to remove and fix the problem with “other files” taking over your i. Phone memory. Here are the steps that worked brilliantly for me: Step 1: Turn of sync music in i. Tunes. When you have synced your i.
Phone and noticed that “other files” have taken up a lot of storage space on the i. Phone, un- tick the “sync music” alternative in i.
How To Install Deb Files With Ifunbox For Windows
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Tunes before un- connecting your i. Phone. Step 2: Install Disk. Aid software on computer/mac.
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Disk. Aid is a neat little software that allows you transfer files to your i. Phone, i. Pod Touch, or i. Pad, treating it as a USB drive. They offer a free trial of the software so no need to purchase it first time you have to use it at least.
Make sure your i. Phone is connected with the USB when you open up Disk. Aid. When the program is running, at the bottom left corner it says “Disk. Aid folder”, click on the drop down list and choose “media folders”. Step 3: Go into i. Tunes Control folder and then the Music folder.
In Disk. Aid you will see an overview of all the folders and files on your i. Vodafone Software Update Weekly Wrap March here. Phone. Go to the i. Tunes Control Folder and then the subfolder called Music. Under the Music folder you will likely see a lot of subfolders starting with “f”. Step 4: Delete/remove all subfolders in Music. Delete all the subfolders under the Music folder.
They include the files that are hogging your i. Phone memory under “other files”. Step 5: Open i. Tunes and sync your i.
Phone. With “music sync” still turned off in i. Tunes, sync your i. Phone. This will remove all music files from your i. Phone, but keep all other content.
Don’t worry about this though, as in the next steps you will sync the music back onto your i. Phone. Step 6: Unplug i. Phone and reboot it. Once the i. Phone has finished syncing, unplug it and perform a reboot. The reboot is done by holding down the “power down” button at the top right at the same times as holding down the control button. Hold both of them until the i. Phone has switched off and the Apple logo appears on the screen before releasing both buttons.
This action will reboot your i. Phone. Step 7: Reconnect your i. Phone to i. Tunes and recheck “sync music”This will put your music back onto the i. Phone, and you should not see any of the “other files” taking up any of the i.
Phone memory. Once the sync is complete your i. Phone should be all sorted again. If you still see “other files” taking up memory on your i.
Phone you have likely done something wrong or left out subfolders in step 4. Hope you find this guide as useful as our guide on unfreezing and restoring i. Phone and i. Pod Touch.