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A list of base boxes for Vagrant. Vagrant is an amazing tool for managing virtual machines via a simple to use command line interface. With a simple vagrant up you can be working in a clean environment based on a standard template. These standard templates are called base boxes, and this website is simply a list of boxes people have been nice enough to make publicly available. Suggest a Box. Do you know of another base box? Send a pull request and we'll add it to the list below.
Available Boxes. To use the available boxes just replace . Open. SCAP, SSG, Gov. Ready installed. By downloading and using this software, you agree to these license terms.
Download the free trial version below to get started. Double-click the downloaded file to install the software. Vagrant is an amazing tool for managing virtual machines via a simple to use command line interface. With a simple vagrant up you can be working in a. Latest trending topics being covered on ZDNet including Reviews, Tech Industry, Security, Hardware, Apple, and Windows.
Virtualboxhttp: //aka. Windows XP with IE8 (3. The Microsoft Software License Terms for the IE VMs are included in the release notes and supersede any conflicting Windows license terms included in the VMs.
By downloading and using this software, you agree to these license terms. Virtualboxhttp: //aka. Windows Vista with IE7 (3. The Microsoft Software License Terms for the IE VMs are included in the release notes and supersede any conflicting Windows license terms included in the VMs. By downloading and using this software, you agree to these license terms. Virtualboxhttp: //aka. Windows 7 with IE8 (3.
The Microsoft Software License Terms for the IE VMs are included in the release notes and supersede any conflicting Windows license terms included in the VMs. By downloading and using this software, you agree to these license terms. Virtualboxhttp: //aka. Windows 7 with IE9 (3. The Microsoft Software License Terms for the IE VMs are included in the release notes and supersede any conflicting Windows license terms included in the VMs. By downloading and using this software, you agree to these license terms.
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Virtualboxhttp: //aka. Windows 7 with IE1. The Microsoft Software License Terms for the IE VMs are included in the release notes and supersede any conflicting Windows license terms included in the VMs. By downloading and using this software, you agree to these license terms.
Virtualboxhttp: //aka. Windows 7 with IE1. The Microsoft Software License Terms for the IE VMs are included in the release notes and supersede any conflicting Windows license terms included in the VMs. By downloading and using this software, you agree to these license terms. Virtualboxhttp: //aka. Windows 8 with IE1.
The Microsoft Software License Terms for the IE VMs are included in the release notes and supersede any conflicting Windows license terms included in the VMs. By downloading and using this software, you agree to these license terms. Virtualboxhttp: //aka. Local Settings Software Microsoft Windows Shell Bagmru Regedit.
Windows 8. 1 with IE1. The Microsoft Software License Terms for the IE VMs are included in the release notes and supersede any conflicting Windows license terms included in the VMs. By downloading and using this software, you agree to these license terms. Virtualboxhttp: //aka. Debian Jessie amd. Sys. Vinit)Vagrant- LXChttps: //snowflakehosting. TYPO3 on Ubntu 1.
PHP 5. 5. 9, My. SQL 5. My. SQL password: password Vagranthttp: //vagrant. Debian Squeeze i. Virtual. Boxhttps: //pety. It shall automatially download the box.
Multiplehttps: //github. Varying- Vagrant- Vagrants/VVV/archive/1.
Cent. OS 7. 2 Release x. Minimal + Puppet 4. SELinux Enforcing, Guest Additions 4. Virtual. Boxhttps: //www.