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Troubleshooting Windows XP Shutdown Issues. Troubleshooting Windows XP Shutdown Issues.
It's been a number of months now since Windows XP made its. Shutdown problems continue to be one of the primary. A number of solutions have been found. If everyone was running the latest and greatest in.
That isn't the case now. I think it's time. The Role of the F5 Key and Shutdown Problems.
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When I. first put this page together I meant to include this. Unfortunately it totally slipped my mind. One. of the hazards of being an Elder(ly) Geek, but better late. Thanks to reader Glen M. Newer systems have what is.
Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI). Unfortunately, XP doesn't always recognize a.
BIOS is ACPI capable and doesn't install the. ACPI. Even more unfortunate is the fact that. ACPI support isn't determined at the initial install. XP over the top of the previous XP.
To do so requires changing the Hardware. Abstraction Layer (HAL). The chances of successfully.
HAL after XP has been installed is pretty close. Once you. drop the CD in the tray and fire up the computer to. XP, the first thing you'll see at the bottom of. F6 if you need to. SCSI or RAID controller. Don't press F6. Press.
F5 instead. This will take you to a separate menu of. Hardware Abstraction Layer's where you can choose an. HAL that supports ACPI. The choices will be: ACPI. Multiprocessor PCACPI.
Uniprocessor PC. Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PCCompaq. System. Pro Multiprocessor or 1. Compatible PCMPS. Uniprocessor PCMPS. Multiprocessor PC. Standard PC. Standard PC with C- Step i. Other. Many users have written to say the only visible options.
This is an. interface glitch that defaults the list to the bottom. A few cautions are also in order: Obtain. BIOS for your motherboard. XP installation. The install may complete but the. There. are situations where it is definitely not desirable to. ACPI HAL even if it is supported by the BIOS.
It. could save many headaches, but now you know. A good piece. of knowledge to have tucked away for your next XP install.
As a final. note, to determine if your computer was detected as being. ACPI enabled: Right click. My Computer then click Properties > Hardware > Device.
Manager. Expand the entry called Computer. If the. entry is 'Advanced Configuration and Power Interface. ACPI) PC' you're all set. If it says 'Standard PC' the. BIOS was not detected as being ACPI capable.
You. really don't have a problem with shutdown. While it may. not seem like it, shutdown has completed properly. Semantics, you say?
Maybe, but almost. If you haven't. checked for an updated BIOS, that's the first step, then. Click. . Experimentation with the APM and ACPI settings. Power Down. Automatically After Shutdown II.
CAUTION. 0. 3/2. 7/2. In the last two days I've received. The system starts to boot, displaying the. I'm trying to. pinpoint what is causing this behavior, but to. In all. fairness, these two reports have been the only.
I've heard about with this procedure in. If the. value isn't present, add it by creating the string value.
Power. Down. After. Shutdown and setting the value to 1. Note: The. success of this registry edit is dependent on Hardware. Abstraction Layer (HAL) support.
Two Valuable. Items for Dealing with Shutdown Issues. Device. Often times Device Manager will provide a clue to an item that may. To open Device. Manager: Right click .
As you might expect, Device Manager is closely. A problem with one of these devices or a driver. Don't assume. that just because you checked Device Manager once and all was well. Check it from time to time. The. Knowledge Base articles below will help you use Device Manager. Unfortunately, it also makes it very difficult if not. To prevent the system from.
Right click . It would be impossible to list every piece of. Read through the items. Restart Instead of. Shutdown and STOP Error Messages. I touched on this.
Startup and Recovery Options section above. As. Microsoft mentions in the article referenced below, . As. cryptic as these messages can be, they do provide a place to begin. To make it a bit easier, I've.
STOP messages in the table below. A detailed description. Stop 0x. 00. 00. 00. A. or IRQL. This may be a global symptom emerging from. XP executes an. automatic restart in the event of a system failure.
Therefore, more. or less anything compromising the operating system during the. Disabling the restart on.
Right- click on My Computer, click Properties, click the Advanced. Under Startup & Recovery, click Settings. Under System Failure. System reboot. Shutdown Does. Not Complete or Hangs. Everyone that has used. Windows XP has spent some time looking at the screen that says.
XP, but the. closer it is to quitting time the longer it takes this transition to. As an added benefit, when XP does 'hang' at this point in. Ctrl+Alt+Del sequence so the. My guess is that a.
Microsoft employee eager to get out on a Friday afternoon finally. Whatever. the reason, this is a known issue with XP Home and Professional and. Microsoft. This varies, and often times seem to be in direct.
The safest thing you. This alone may solve your problem. Don’t overlook programs. It’s easy to forget these are running as. As a. general rule, if you don’t see some visible shutdown activity within.
One. readily identifiable sign that some application or process is not. The program or process listed needs to be. Often times a. visit to a company website will provide an update to address the. Windows XP uses many. These interactions don't. Extending the amount of time a process is allowed. To get a better understanding of what.
Some of the issues from the Hangs section above fit. However, there is no doubt that. Hardware and Software Issues can be a major factor. When talking about. At the heart of the system is the. The BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) might need to be. XP. A check with the computer or.
BIOS is well worth the time. Making sure the settings are optimized and. Just be. sure to note the old settings before making changes. Video cards are another. When XP was first released it shipped with more. Windows version. In spite of that. Device drivers fall into two.
With signed drivers, you stand a. Unsigned. drivers are far more likely to create problems, and if a device. XP's release. it's likely it's not going to have one issued by the device. Mixing signed and unsigned drivers is just asking for. Go for all or nothing and if that isn't possible, consider.
This seems like a good. Microsoft has made available two. The. hardware list is a good place to check existing hardware or future. The Windows Catalog requires.
Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility List. How To Install A Laminate Countertop Without Cabinets To Go Outlet on this page. Because these devices load. Using the uninstall routines and. Many of the motherboards now come with onboard sound. Anytime you are dealing. System Restore can provide you.
More information on System Restore is. In short, any piece of. In. dealing with these issues over the past few months, experience has. If XP didn't come with a. XP. As much trouble as it is, stripping the machine.
Miscellaneous. Problems/Solutions. The items listed below. Perhaps one of them will be of value in troubleshooting.
Feel free to send along your experiences and. I'll post them here. Windows XP. Professional contains the Group Policy Editor which can be used to. One security option allows the page file to be cleared. When enabled, this same setting forces wiping of.
Both of these processes can be lengthy, fooling. To verify if this setting. Some users have. reported they solved the hanging problem at shutdown by eliminating.
Welcome Screen that XP uses for logon. To eliminate the screen and. Once. the box had booted and the logon screen loaded I could use the. It was. impossible to make selections between operating systems in the boot. I wanted to load Windows 2. I had to make the changes. XP and then shut down the entire system.
The solution was to get a USB adapter which. PS/2). rather than a USB connector. I know it’s not the right solution, but. If you have a. graphics card manufactured by Nvidia, stopping the Driver Helper.