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We're here to help. If you are already a registered user for any of the McGraw-Hill Education Digital Solutions listed below, you may login above using your existing. McGraw-Hill's "Connect" is a web-based assignment and assessment platform that helps you connect your students to their coursework and to success beyond the course. Search torrents on dozens of torrent sites and torrent trackers. Unblock torrent sites by proxy. PirateBay proxies, RARBG unblocked and more torrent proxies.
Dsa Student. There are three places from which to access assignments. The first is the To Do list (A), which opens as soon as you sign into Connect. This list contains the most pressing assignments from all of your classes: -late assignments or those past the due date-assignments due soon or those due in the next 7 days-assignments for further study or Recharge assignments.
To get to the To Do list from elsewhere in Connect, open the global navigation panel (B) and, from the Assignment menu (C), select To Do (D). You can also access assignments from your Calendar (A) and choose to see them by day, week or month (B). To see assignments due on a particular day, simply click the day. To access all of the assignments within a particular class, click the class name (A). You’ll be taken to the Class Home, where you can see all assignments and other class information. You can also use the Classes menu (B) and select the class there (C). It knows when you need practice, when it’s time for you to learn something new and when you’re likely to forget material.
Learn. Smart can even identify your level of confidence. Using this information, Learn. Smart presents you with the most effective content to ensure that you’re learning and succeeding.
It also offers real- time reports that highlight the concepts with which you’re struggling, and enables personalized study sessions. Click How to use Learn. Smart (A) and then Start (B) to familiarize yourself further with what Learn.
Smart offers. Once you’ve launched a Learn. Smart assignment, it will open to the first question so you can begin right away. Learn. Smart requires you to identify how well you think you know an answer before allowing you to answer it. Select one of the four options (A) to answer the question. Use the progress bar (B) to track your status at any time while taking the assignment.
Note that you can provide feedback about question or assignment content by clicking the comment icon (C). Click the Assignment tab (A) to see a list of all of your Learn. Smart assignments. To return to Connect, click Leave Assignment (B). Click My Reports (A) to learn more about your performance and learning status. You can view sections you struggled with most, find more challenging sections and review the accuracy of your self- assessment, among other things. To review or practice assignments you’ve already completed, click Recharge (B).
The Recharge attempts are for study purposes only and will not be graded. In the left panel, which can be expanded and collapsed (A), you'll find vital information for your studies.
Click on your name (B) to find messages from your instructor, system notifications, a link to the Connect help center and a logout link. Use the Assignments menu (C) to find the To Do list, which a list of assignments due in the next 4. The Classes menu (D) contains a list of all of your classes. For scores and reports on your class performance, visit the Results menu (E). Visit the tutorials linked below for more information on how to use Connect! Registering for and purchasing Connect. Registering for Connect with an access code.
Accessing assignments. Taking assignments. Getting to know the Connect assignment types. Exploring the Class Home. Scores and Results. Using Learn. Smart.
Using Smart. Book. Pairing your Blackboard and Connect course. Connect System Requirements. Mc. Graw- Hill Education Connect. There are additional assignment types, such as Learn. Smart, but this is an overview of the three assignment types listed above.
Take some time to familiarize yourself with them before they're assigned to you. Web activities are straightforward and easy to use. Read your instructor's instructions and click on the provided links (A). Blog assignments require several steps.
To start blogging, click + New Post (A). Once you populate the text fields — the title and body of the post — you'll have the option to delete the post, save it or add it, which will make it visible to your instructor. You can also + Comment (B) on blog posts, and see which of your classmates have created blog posts of their own (C).
File attachment assignments simply require you to attach a file for submission to your instructor. You can choose files to add or drag them directly. Most file types are accepted, but make sure to read the information regarding acceptable file types and sizes. Torrent The Invention Of Lying Putlocker.
You can do this before or after creating a Connect account or registering for a Connect class. Begin by logging into your Blackboard account. Under My Courses, find and click the Connect class name your instructor provided (A). Please note that your instructor must create the class and pair it with Blackboard before you can proceed.
Next you’ll see a page that contains information about the class or other materials provided by your instructor. Locate an available Connect or Learn. Smart assignment and click it. Please note that you may need to consult with your instructor in order to locate the assignment.
In this case, it is located under the Course Material tab (A). In some cases, like the one shown here, assignments will be placed in folders. Either click on an available assignment or on a folder (A) in order to proceed. If the assignment is contained in a folder, as shown here, open the folder and then select an available assignment (A).
You’ll be taken to the Connect welcome page. If you already have a Connect account, just sign in using your Connect login credentials (A) and you’ll be taken through several steps to register for the class itself.
If you do not have a Connect account, simply Register here (B). Please note that if you have already registered for the class in Connect, your Blackboard and Connect accounts will be paired automatically. Learn more about registering for Connect. Pairing your Blackboard and Connect course.
To register for a Connect class, plug the URL provided by your instructor into a browser. You'll be taken to a welcome screen that contains information about your class, including the instructor name and class title. When you're sure that information is correct, enter your email address (A) and click Begin (B). Note: If you've already purchased the book, using either a credit card or access code, you still have to join the class. Enter the email address you used when purchasing the book and you'll be registered to the class.
Next you'll have to create a Connect account. Enter your information, agree to the terms and move on to the next step (A). If you're purchasing Connect with a credit card, select Buy Online (A). Learn more about registering with an access code. Verify that the class is correct and then click Buy (A). Enter your billing information (A) and then your payment information (B), and then review and place your order (C).
At the end of this three- step purchase process, you'll be able to finalize your purchase and view your Connect class. You'll see a confirmation page showing your newly purchased Connect class!
Click Continue (A) to move on. This is the final page in the registration process. Click Go To Connect (A) to check out your new Connect class! Each assignment must be completed before the next assignment can be taken. These assignments will be indicated in the assignment list on your Section Home page (A). When you click on the indicated assignment, a window will open showing you all of the prerequisite assignments associated with that assignment. You must take the first assignment in the list (A) and complete it with the required score (B) before you can move on to the next assignment.
Some prerequisite assignments are grouped in clusters (C). These can be taken in any order, but they must be fully completed before you can move on to the next assignment. Click OK to proceed (D). When you complete a required assignment, the next assignment will become available in your assignment list. If you have only one attempt or if the assignment is timed, make sure you’re ready to start before launching the assignment.