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Modern Warfare 3 Downloadable Content (DLC)The DLC (Downloadable Content for MW3) was released over a nine month content season by Infinity Ward and Activision in 2. Starting in January, new maps for the multiplayer modes were the first to be released, followed by Spec Ops missions that could be played solo offline or co- op online. Call of Duty Elite members got access to all DLC first, with Xbox 3. PS3 players (as was the case for COD: Black Ops, due to an agreement with Microsoft).
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 hacks, download free CoD MW3 hacks and cheats. Aimbot, wallhack, skills hacks etc. This modification adds AI to multiplayer matches. The AI's goal is to simulate real players playing the game normally. Essentially Combat Training for MW2!

Around a month after Elite players, users on both platforms would get 3 months worth of content made available in packages. All of the MW3 DLC is listed right here, with screenshots for you to see the variations in maps. Content Drops 2. 4 to 2. Special Ops Missions, 1 New Game Mode. Released for Elite Members: 1.
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August 2. 01. 2 (Xbox 3. September 2. 01. 2 (PS3)Released to Public: TBA 2. Xbox 3. 60), TBA 2. PS3)Chaos Mode. Think of the craziest Zombies or Survival game you've ever played in the Call of Duty series, now multiply that by ten and your probably half way there to working out what Chaos mode is. When you start up Chaos mode on some of the most popular maps in MW3 like Resistance or Dome, you're going to be facing never ending waves of enemies who are coming at you faster than before, with no down time to relax. What makes this enjoyable is the fact that the more enemies there are, the more you will want them to come at you because in Chaos Mode the aim of the game is to be wiping out the bad guys so fast your building up a multiplier of points, go for the highest number (upwards of 4. Xbox Live or Playstation Network leaderboards.
Special Delivery. A rescue mission where you are delivered by helicopter. As you rescue more and more of your squad they will become vital allies in fighting your way out of the base, especially on veteran mode where just a few hits from an assault rifle will be absolutely lethal for you.. The best way to do this mission is accurate run- and- gun tactics with a few stops to take out the most heavily armed NPCs. If you're going co- op remember to stick together and use cover because in an open map like this you aren't going to get much time to do revives without the bullets continuing to fly in your direction. Light Em Up. Another map based on the MW3 campaign mode, one of your squadmates has been taken hostage in Makarov's castle base and it's up to you to command a Little Bird as you go in, taking out as many of his henchmen as possible and rescue those trapped inside. On this map you'll be using a lot of Nightvision and you'll need to be good with the heavy weaponry at the start of the mission, be accurate with those grenades or on Veteran mode your going to be hitting the restart button an awful lot of times.
As with some of the other maps in the Chaos Pack, there are Special Ops achievements and trophies to be earned on this mission, so head over to that page to see what you should be earning when blasting through this compound. Content Drop 2. 3 - 1 FREE Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Map. Released for Elite Members: 1. July 2. 01. 2 (Xbox 3. August 2. 01. 2 (PS3)Released to Public: 1. July 2. 01. 2 (Xbox 3.
August 2. 01. 2 (PS3)Terminal. If you played a lot of MW2 then you will definitely remember one of the best objective maps the game contained, that's right we are talking about the one and only terminal. If your playing Domination on this map prepare to have some crazy leaps through the windows or close one on one firefights in the middle of the jumbo jet that has come in to land. Again this map really favours tactical play, you'll be wanting to gear up with a good amount of grenades and flashbangs to supress your enemy and most likely want a high- powered assault rifle to deal with the ranged encounters that are invevitably going to come your way, the MW3 Titles pick would be the ACR 6.
Content Drops 2. 0 to 2. Multiplayer Maps, 1 Special Ops Mission. Released for Elite Members: 1. July 2. 01. 2 (Xbox 3. August 2. 01. 2 (PS3)Released to Public: TBA (Xbox 3.
TBA 2. 01. 2 (PS3)Vertigo. The only Special Ops mission in the whole of MW3 that has it's own specific weapon created for it. In Vertigo you're going to be perched on top of the Oasis hotel from the last mission of the game, and your going to be shooting down helicopters with the 'Starstreak' which is very much like the Stinger with some of the features of the Reaper. If your playing through and looking to get some achievements then you will want to shoot down all of the helicopters in the entire mission, and do the obvious work of completing it on Standard and Veteran difficulties. Things you will want to watch out for include the Juggernaut dropping helicopter and the final wave of enemies just as you think you've got to the end. Offshore. Remember Wet Work from Modern Warfare 2? Remember running as fast as you could through the multi- layered oil rig in order to avoid a Juggernaut taking you out?
Well you'll need to dig up all of the skills you used to take on that mission on veteran mode when it comes to Offshore, set on a crisis hit Oilrig in the middle of the ocean. In Survival mode you'll be looking to set up a stronghold area around the crates that you can call in support from, because when the choppers and attack dogs come you'll be needing the extra firepower.
In Multiplayer, the best advice is to stay inside and fight close quarters because any good sniper will have set himself up well and have great views of the map to get their One Shot One Kill bonuses. Decommission. A pretty awesome map set in the African nation of Somalia, you'll find yourself in a boneyard style desert filled with rotting boat and tanker remains. Instead of the standard multiplayer fare of a deserted industrial landscape, this map actually shows that all of the boats have been turned into a shanty town by the local residents and you are going to have to fight your way through it if you want to live. In multiplayer, this map will have you running into enemies around corners extremely often, while also providing a lot of vertical action so you can supress the other team or even do some great sniping.
In Survival mode, you'll be wanting to stay near roof cover because the helicopters in the later round will get deadly as more and more waves flank you from the outside of the map. Content Drops 1. 6 to 1. Face- off Maps, 1 Special Ops Mission. Released for Elite Members: 1.
June 2. 01. 2 (Xbox 3. July 2. 01. 2 (PS3)Released to Public: TBA (Xbox 3. TBA 2. 01. 2 (PS3)Intersection.
There will be no time for scoping the other team on this map set in New- York city, it's all about frantic run and gun action and you'll need to be on your feet as soon as the mission starts to flush out the other team and get into the vantage spots. If you are ever a bit bored and feel like checking for some of the easter eggs in the map, look in the theatre and along with the usual theme of MW3 funny moments, of course there is a teddy bear somewhere in there too. Taking place at the fictional corner between Schwarz Road and Fulton, if you're ever visiting New York this map will no doubt remind you of the large traffic junctions. U- Turn. Based in Afghanistan, this map is set on a long highway that has a huge amount of destroyed vehicles on it. Again going with the close quarters battle style of the Face- Off game mode you will be looking to duck in and out of cover as you fight your way down the road in order to take out the opposing team. Things to watch out for mainly involve enemies strafing you or moving outside the road and creating pincer movements on your position.
Sniping is an option on this map but due to the small size, you're more than likely going to find a knife ending up in your back if you stay scoped for too long. Your best bet on this map is to use one of MW3's best weapons, the MP- 7 to get rid of your enemies fast and en- masse.
Black Ops Cheats & Codes for Play. Station 3 (PS3)Hints. Best Zombie Gun. Play zombies kino der toten; keep your M1. Unlockables In Multiplayer. Level 4: Create A Class. Level 5: Contracts.
Level 6: Clan Tag. Level 8: Game Mode Challenges. Level 1. 0: Killstreaks, Killstreak Challenges, Playercard Emblems. Level 1. 3: Combat Record. Level 1. 5: Medal Challenges.
Level 1. 6: Gun Emblems. Level 1. 9: Gun Tag. Level 2. 0: Elite Challenges. Level 2. 2: Camo.
Level 2. 5: Custom Reticules. Level 2. 8: Custom Lenses. Level 3. 0: Final Challenges. Level 3. 1: Facepaint. Level 5. 0: Prestige Mode. Prestige 1: Prestige Leaderboard, Custom Class 6. Prestige 3: Custom Class 7.
Prestige 5: Custom Class 8. Prestige 7: Custom Class 9. Prestige 9: Custom Class 1. Prestige 1. 1: Face Tattoos.
Prestige 1. 3: Clan Tag Colors. Prestige 1. 4: Golden Camo. Prestige 1. 5: Prestige Playlists.
Bus On Nuketown. When playing on Nuketown if you look on the bus while beginning or not getting shot at look at the bus it has Treyarch district or something like that. Lego Black Ops (Video Fun)Firing Range- Never Get Shot In COMBAT TRAININGAt firing range in Combat training, If you are wanting to not get shot then go anywhere where there is a jeep and get in it and duck but make sure you can shoot. So all the opponents/CPU will just stand there and look at you and won't shoot you! You can only shoot them.
Thunder Gun In Campaign (Numbers)After you interogate the guy, throw 2 grenades then look for a little cpu room, find a cosete player, then hold the action button. Continue through the level until you get to the room behind the fridge. Look to your left and you will see another cosete player. Hold action button again. Weird noises will apear then wait and the thunder gun will appearjump on the crates and hold action button. SQUARE. Kino Der Toten (Theater Of The Damned)Round 1: Shoot 4 times then, STAB!
Round 2: Shoot 6 times then, STAB! Round 3: Shoot 8 times then , STTTAABBBB! Twice. Round 4: Open the top door, by now you should have appox. Round 5: open the next door and buy the Stakeout.
Round 6 or 7: dog round, maybe, with the Stakeout it shouldn't be a prob. Round 8 buy the next door and immediatly turn on the power.
Link the teleporter to the lobby. Round 9 until the Thunder Gun: Use the box until. Thunder gun and decent backup appear.
Round 1. 0: If you haven't already done so, buy Juggernog. Round 1. 1+: run in circles with the TG around the turret until a mob forms. Then BLOW EM AWAY! Also try to get Speed Cola. Gun Shelf. On . You will need to duck down. No Dog Trick. In the theater of kino der toten by the stairs there are three pieces of wood duck and be at the tip of the wood then the dogs will not attack you they will see you but it will stand in a place near you to kill them and not get attacked. Hole In The Fence.
In the level ware the bus and the houses are in multiplayer mode by one of the houses is a hole in the fence if you pick the RC car for the thing if you get so meany kills then go into RC mode and go through the hole and their is a mini track back their. Gateway To Hell Sign On The Firing Range. On the multiplayer map Firing range there is a sign that says gateway to hell. To find this sign you need to find the trailer with the multiple tv moniters with fuzzy screens. There is a door right behind them. Go out that door and follow the wall to the left right behind the door. You will walk into a fence.
Look strait out from the fence then look a little left. The beggining of the sign says GATEWAY TO HELL. You are now entering quarintine area. Very Good Stradegy For Zombies. In zombies on Kino. Der. Toten I would recommend you to open the downstairs room and go outside also buy the AK7. Save up open the fence door and open the door again turn on power around level 7, 8, or 9 and if box is in the MP4.
Dressing room or the top room, DON'T OPEN THEM! Try Upgrading the M1. And AK7. 4u it is a really good combination. I did this I got up to round 3. If you get the thundergun try to make a mob of zombies Hope this helped. On Top Of The White Bus On Cracked. Next to the bus you will see a normal building and the other side you will see a building destroyed.
Go to the building that is destroyed on the second floor. Try to jump on the powder bags that are stacked and jump on top of the bus.
Guns You Can Blow The Rocket Up With. In the zombie map . This is very helpful when doing the Easter egg. These are the guns you can blow it up with. Ray Gun, crossbow, M7. LAW, China Lake. Although the M7. LAW and China Lake might be difficult, the crossbow and ray gun are the best.
With them you have to shoot the middle or the engines in the bottom. Bus Driver. In nuketown shoot the bus driver- maneqin untin arms and head detached. Go prone, the drives arm should stick out the bottom of the bus 5. A Way To Get Out Of The Map On Kino And Five.
In Kino you have to go the alley way, and after you buy the fence go up the stairs, go to the barrier closest to the next door. Jump on the bottom board and crouch down and wait for a zombie to come. When it pulls it out hurry up and press pause and triangle at the same time and you should be out. At five you have to jump on one of the boards on any of the barriers in the first and do the same thing and you are out.
CANNOT BE HOST OR SPLITSCREEN. In Kino you can jump to the rock right beside the place where pac a punch is and stand there and have the people go by juggernog and stand on the wall and the zombies will not attack. Another Way To Disarm A Claymore. First you need to see it then you need to shoot it. Good Camping Spot On Nuketown.
Go in one of the houses and go in the corner (in one house its behind desk in other its beside)the crouch were you can barely see over desk, aim between doors to downstairs, and to porch, when they come in and stop shoot them usually they wount see you but when they do there still suprised and have to aim at your head by the time they do so it will 9/1. Some time they run past you to the window so be ready to turn and shoot. Tell me how this works out for you and what your kd was when you used it please.
The Metal Bears. Gather all of your freinds in the new zombies map ascension. There are two bears in the beginning room and the other one is where the sickle is making a crawler or a (short zombie). Go find the two in those rooms - hold square on ps. In the room with the sickle, face the sickle and turn around. Now go the left and look at the top of the wall look the opposite way, away from the sickle during the procces and there's the bear. Hold square and your guy will say I hear music awsome or at least somthing like that.
Don't Put Your Gunship To Waste. Use the Left Analog Stick to move the Mi- 2. Black Windows Theme Screensaver Logonscreen For Windows 7. Hind aka . Yes, you can actually fly anywhere on the map and slightly out of bounds in order to reach those enemies hiding behind a building.
You may also attempt to destroy any Care Package delivery helicopters as well. Listen for lock- on tones and immediately begin evasive maneuvers once you hear them. However, you only have two rockets at a time and they take a few seconds to reload. Song In As in kin der tauten there are . And when you get instant kill use your knife and when you get the nuke done kill just reload.
And when youget dobble point help a friend if he/she is hurt or builded or shoot with the hand gun or what ever you have and if the person your playin with and you don't lke thum throw a greaned at thum when there fighting or in a corner and when there down help them to get points. How To Get More Points In Zombie Mode.
If you use your pistol in round 1 on zombie mode, you will get more points. Youll have to use a whole round on them but for each bullet that hits the zombies you'll get 1. You will be able to get a whole lot more stuff a whole lot more quicker. Mission 1. 4 Intel Locations.
On top of a vending machine in the first hallway to your left after you have broken out of the chair and stumble through the doors. This is right after the first one for this mission.