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How do I export from SAS to Excel files: Let me count the ways. I have a love- hate relationship with spreadsheet data.
Use powerful data mining software, SAS Enterprise Miner, to create accurate predictive and descriptive models for large volumes of data. SAS (previously "Statistical Analysis System") is a software suite developed by SAS Institute for advanced analytics, multivariate analyses, business intelligence.
There are loads of other ways to handle the issue. SAS datasets are ODBC and OleDb compliant so you can read them in using. SAS Product Documentation. New Home for SAS 9.4 Programming Documentation! SAS Documentation has a new look and a new home on the web. To learn more, check out the. Using Classification and Regression Trees (CART) in SAS® Enterprise Miner, SAS Global Forum 2013 Data Minin g and Text Anal ytics. Designed for SAS Enterprise Miner users who perform predictive analytics using SAS Enterprise Miner 14.
I am interested in finding data to analyze, and if it arrives in the form of a spreadsheet, I'll take it. And I like to deliver results and reports, but often my constituents ask for it as a spreadsheet that they can then manipulate further. Likewise, saving results as a spreadsheet can lose something in the translation - - usually value formatting, appearance attributes, or graphs. SAS offers many ways to read from and write to Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. They each have pros and cons.
This post is an inventory of the methods that I know about for creating Excel files from within SAS. Some . This product enables all sorts of file exchanges between SAS and other PC- based applications, including Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, SPSS, and more. SAS/ACCESS to PC Files includes a component called the PC Files Server. The PC Files Server is a service- based application that runs apart from SAS on a Windows node.
It accepts requests from SAS to convert data to and from Excel (and other file types). Traditionally, this innovation allows SAS running on UNIX (where there are no native facilities for Excel data) to exchange data with PC- based data programs. Recent changes in desktop computing have complicated the picture. Newer desktop machines all have 6. Microsoft Windows. All of your 3. 2- bit applications (designed for x. One of those rules is that a 6.
And guess what? There is a better- than- even chance that the built- in data providers that you have for Microsoft Excel - - the bits that allow SAS to write to Excel on Windows - - are 3. This means that the PROC EXPORT DBMS=EXCEL program that worked in your 3. SAS session will not work in your 6. SAS session. There are two remedies for this bitness mismatch. First, you could install the 6.
Microsoft Office). But you cannot have both the 3.
Microsoft Office, then you're stuck with the 3. The second remedy is to use the PC Files Server, right there on the same Windows machine where SAS is running. This allows a 6. 4- bit SAS process to delegate the data exchange to a 3.
PC Files Server process. Thanks to the out- of- process communication, this circumvents the bit architecture mismatch. To make this work you don't have to set up any additional software, but your SAS programs must change to use DBMS=EXCELCS. The EXCELCS keyword tells SAS to use the PC Files Server instead of attempting to use in- process data providers.
Exporting to Excel: ways to get there from SASWith the architecture lesson behind us, here's my list for how to put SAS content into Microsoft Excel. I won't dive into much detail about each method here; you can follow the links to find more documentation. These methods use features of SAS/ACCESS to PC Files: LIBNAME EXCEL – reads/writes Excel files at the sheet level when the bitness of SAS (3.
Microsoft Office installed (or more specifically, the ACE drivers that accompany Office). An Excel file is viewed as a SAS library, while sheets/ranges are the member tables. Requires exclusive lock on an existing Excel file. LIBNAME PCFILES – does the same as LIBNAME EXCEL, but uses PC Files Server. Good for UNIX and for Windows configurations where bitness of SAS and Microsoft Office don't match.
PROC EXPORT DBMS=EXCELCS – uses PC Files Server to write an Excel file. There are various options to control the output behavior. Good for UNIX and for Windows configurations where bitness of SAS and Microsoft Office don't match. PROC EXPORT DBMS=EXCEL - writes Excel files when the bitness of SAS (3. Microsoft Office installed (or more specifically, the ACE drivers that accompany Office). PROC EXPORT DBMS=XLS – writes Excel (XLS) files directly, no driver or PC Files Server needed.
Has limits on volume and format. Works on Windows and UNIX.
PROC EXPORT DBMS=XLSX – new in 9. M1, writes Excel 2. XLSX format) directly. No driver or PC Files Server needed.
Works on Windows and UNIX. The following methods do not require SAS/ACCESS to PC Files, so they are popular, even if they don't produce . Provides a fair amount of control over the content appearance, but recent versions of Excel do not recognize as a . Works only when SAS for Windows and Excel are on the same machine. Doesn't work in SAS workspace servers or stored process servers (often accessed with SAS Enterprise Guide).
It's an antiquated approach, but offers tremendous control that many long- time SAS users enjoy. SAS client applications make it easier. While I've focused on the SAS programming methods for creating Excel files, applications like SAS Enterprise Guide and the SAS Add- In for Microsoft Office make the operation a breeze. SAS Enterprise Guide can import and export Excel files through point- and- click methods, and SAS/ACCESS to PC Files is not needed to make that work. By allowing you to access SAS data and analytics from within Microsoft Excel, you pull the results into your Excel session, rather than export them from your SAS session.
SAS (software) - Wikipedia. SAS (previously . SAS was further developed in the 1. JMP. A point- and- click interface was added in version 9 in 2. A social media analytics product was added in 2.
Technical overview and terminology. In the compilation phase, declarative statements are processed and syntax errors are identified. Afterwards, the execution phase processes each executable statement sequentially.
Additionally, each piece of data has a descriptor and a value. Procedures perform analysis and reporting on data sets to produce statistics, analyses and graphics. There are more than 3. It generates code to manipulate data or perform analysis automatically and does not require SAS programming experience to use. Another early participant, Caroll G.
Perkins, contributed to SAS' early programming. Service and Jane T. Helwig created SAS' first documentation. The INPUT and INFILE statements were improved so they could read most data formats used by IBM mainframes. Generating reports was also added through the PUT and FILE statements. The ability to analyze general linear models was also added.
Three years later, SAS 8. APPEND procedure. Version 5 introduced a complete macro language, array subscripts, and a full- screen interactive user interface called Display Manager. This allowed for the SAS' Multivendor Architecture that allows the software to run on UNIX, MS- DOS, and Windows. It was previously written in PL/I, Fortran, and assembly language. SAS/GRAPH, which produces graphics, was released in 1. SAS/ETS component, which supports econometric and time series analysis.
A component intended for pharmaceutical users, SAS/PH- Clinical, was released in the 1. The Food and Drug Administration standardized on SAS/PH- Clinical for new drug applications in 2.
SAS introduced new features through dot- releases. From 6. 0. 6 to 6. SQL was added. ODS was improved upon in successive releases. For example, more output options were added in version 8. The number of operating systems that were supported was reduced to UNIX, Windows and z/OS, and Linux was added. Text Miner analyzes text data like emails for patterns in Business Intelligence applications. This case was referred from the United Kingdom's High Court of Justice to the European Court of Justice on 1.
August 2. 01. 0. Numerous SAS modules for web, social media and marketing analytics may be used to profile customers and prospects, predict their behaviors and manage and optimize communications. The framework's primary functionality is to monitor transactions across different applications, networks and partners and use analytics to identify anomalies that are indicative of fraud. Acock wrote that SAS programs provide . Acock concluded that SAS was best for power users, while occasional users would benefit most from SPSS and Stata.
In a 2. 01. 1 comparison, Doug Henschen of Information. Week found that start- up fees for the three are similar, though he admitted that the starting fees were not necessarily the best basis for comparison. It competes in the BI market against conglomerates, such as SAP Business. Objects, IBM Cognos, SPSS Modeler, Oracle Hyperion, and Microsoft BI. Retrieved 5 July 2.
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Sociological Methods & Research. Shepley; Greenberg, Bernard G.; Cox, Gertrude M.; Mason, David D.; Grizzle, James E.; Johnson, Norman L.; Jones, Lyle V.; Monroe, John; Simons, Gordon D. International Statistical Review / Revue Internationale de Statistique. ISSN 0. 30. 6- 7. JSTOR 1. 40. 28. 12.
Strength in Numbers: The Rising of Academic Statistics Departments in the U. S.: The Rising of Academic Statistics Departments in the U. S. ISBN 9. 78- 1- 4.
Associated Press. Retrieved April 8, 2.
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North Carolina State University. The New Republic. Retrieved October 3, 2. SAS Programmer's Guide, 1. Edition. SAS Institute, Inc.
OCLC 4. 98. 43. 63. SAS Institute. Retrieved October 4, 2. Gaudard; Philip J. Ramsey; Mia L. Stephens; Leo Wright (2. December 2. 00. 9). Visual Six Sigma: Making Data Analysis Lean. John Wiley & Sons.
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September 2. 01. 0). CIO Best Practices: Enabling Strategic Value With Information Technology. John Wiley & Sons.
ISBN 9. 78- 0- 4. October 8, 2. 00. Retrieved December 1. Retrieved December 1. New Straits Times. Retrieved December 1.
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S.; Geist, L. BMC Health Services Research. PMC 3. 20. 50. 33 . PMID 2. 19. 77. 99.
Further reading. Shepley, ed. International Statistical Review.