Software Simulation With Adobe Captivate Download
Open Source Options For Educationby. Mark Johnson. . . January 2. 01. 3. January 2. 01. 4Introduction. This document presents options for open source software for use in the education sector. It currently maintains two systems - the Collaborative Learning Environment (CLE) and the Open Academic Environment (OAE). Gibbon aims to meet the needs of teachers, reducing workload and helping students learn.
The eLearning software and authoring tool of choice for Global 2000 companies in over 125 countries. Try our industry leading software free for 30 days. Name Type Description Manufacturer Location Keywords; SPSS: Statistical A statistical Package, designed for analysing data. IBM SPSS: Staff WTS 2000 Cluster WTS.
Adobe Captivate (2017 Release) provides a smart authoring platform to create responsive eLearning content and transform non-mobile courses to mobile learning content.
It also handles SIM functionality, providing all information in one place. Manchester Metropolitan University selected Moodle as its VLE after an extensive review. Reference http: //oss. The Open University uses Moodle to deliver distance learning courses with one of the world’s largest Moodle instances.
Reference http: //oss. Over 4. 00. 0 schools, colleges, universities and companies have an active Moodle site in the UK alone. Reference http: //oss. The University of Oxford uses Sakai as the basis of their Web. Learn platform for teaching, research and collaboration. References http: //oss.
Adobe's elearning community is the new hub for all industry leading elearning creators. Know the latest in elearning industry, get free trials and join webinars.
In August 2. 01. 3, Sakai OAE was relaunched as Apereo OAE. Ref http: //oss. ly/4c. The International College of Hong Kong uses Gibbon.
Ref http: //oss. ly/5. Lecture Capture/Podcasting. Matterhorn provides an end- to- end solution from automated lecture capture through processing and distribution. Videos can also be published to existing public platforms such as You. Tube or i. Tunes. Captioning, keyboard navigation and screen readers are well supported.
Media can be encoded using standard formats, ensuring your media isn’t locked in to a particular system or playback software. Oxford Brookes University are piloting Matterhorn, including integration with their Moodle VLE. Reference http: //oss.
Loughborough University use Matterhorn, using it to capture around 9. Reference http: //oss.
Camtasia. Adobe Captivatei. Spring Presenter.
Jing. SMART Notebook page recording feature. Cam. Studio allows you to make a video of what’s happening on your screen.
It will also capture audio from a microphone. As well as capturing a lecture or presentation, it can be used to record a tutorial or walk through of a system. Videos can be recorded to AVI, or to SWF for streaming via Flash.
Windows Sound Recorder. Gold. Wave. Mobile phone.
Audacity is a fully- featured audio recorder and editor for Windows, Linux and Mac. Multiple tracks can be recorded separately and edited together. Additional audio tracks can be imported. Files can be saved to a number of formats.
University of Oxford recommends Audacity for recording an editing podcasts. Reference http: //oss. Online Lectures/Webinars/Remote Participation. Adobe Connect. Blackboard Collaborate. Mega Meeting. These systems allow multiple participants to participate in a session via the web.
Users can collaborate on a shared “whiteboard”. Video, audio and text chat are supported. Users can share presentations and applications from their screen with other users. University of the West of Scotland rolled out Big. Blue. Button in September 2.
Reference http: //oss. Goldsmiths University of London provide Big. Blue. Button for use through its Moodle VLE.
Reference http: //oss. Login as Guest). Video Streaming.
Planet e. Stream. Click. View. Media. Corev. Share. PHP Motion.
These products provide a locally- hosted “You. Tube” style system. Users can upload videos which are converted into a streamable format and shared. Videos can be embedded into a web page or VLE. Users can rate and comment on videos. Bonn University uses Plumi for its podcast portal. Reference http: //oss.
University of Mary Washington moved away from Kaltura after finding the open source version limiting. Reference http: //oss. University of Derby support Xerte as part of its Technology Enhanced Learning resources. Reference http: //oss. Ebook Authoring. Microsoft Office. Adobe Acrobat. Open. Office and Libre.
Office provide word processing and drawing programs that can be used for simple desktop publishing. Documents can be saved to PDF format. Books Author. Adobe In.
Design. Sigil is a cross- platform suite for authoring ebooks in the standard and widely- supported e. Pub format. Provides a WYSIWYG interface, as well as allowing direct source editing. Te. X is a powerful typesetting mark- up language designed to allow users to easily create high- quality electronic or printed books which display consistently across devices and platforms. Windows Media Player 9 Full Codecs Pack. Te. X is particularly useful for displaying mathematical and scientific formulae in a consistent manner. Documents written in the Te. X mark- up language can be rendered to files in the DVI file format, or converted to other formats. Reference http: //oss.
UK institutions including University of Oxford and University of the West of Scotland engaged in a pilot project to assess Rogo. Reference http: //oss. Students can save work created or submitted in Moodle to their Mahara portfolio. Single Sign- On is also supported.
Students can present selections from their portfolio through customised pages, which they control access to. Students can network with one another and share artefacts through groups. The LEAP2. A standard is supported for interoperability with other e- portfolio systems. Southampton Solent University uses Mahara for it’s my.
Portfolio system. Reference http: //oss. Sparsholt College, Hampshire uses Mahara to support it’s ICT Key Skills programme. Solution. Software. Consider as Alternative to. Comments. Real World Use. Interactive Whiteboard Software.
SMART Notebook. Promethean Activ. Inspire/Activ. Office. Open. Sankor. Ref http: //oss. Classroom Management. SMART Sync. LANschool. Inter. CLASSi. TALC provides tools for managing the PCs in a classroom.
A teacher can view students’ screens in overview mode. Computers can be remote controlled to provide assistance. Workstations can be locked to reduce distractions. Demonstrations can be broadcast to all workstations. Library Systems. Solution. Software. Consider as Alternative to. Comments. Real World Use.
Integrated Library System (ILS)Koha includes modules for circulation, cataloguing, acquisitions, serials, reserves, patron management, branch relationships, and more. Koha supports standard formats and protocols to ensure interoperability with other library systems. An online demo of Koha is available on the project’s website. Lib. Lime Koha is a fork of the original project managed by Lib. Lime, while Lib. Lime Academic Koha is a separate product developed for a consortium of institutions. Open. Biblio is an automated library system containing OPAC, circulation, cataloging, and staff administration functionality.
Staffordshire University use Koha hosted by PTFS Europe http: //oss. The British Library for Development Studies at the Institute for Development Studies uses Koha http: //oss.
Reading Lists. A demonstration of LORLS and its features is available on the project’s website. Ref http: //oss. ly/4o. Digital Collection Management. Islandora is built upon an open source base using components from Drupal, Fedora Commons and Apache Solr. Islandora is modular, proving Solution Packs to implement best- practice workflows for managing different content types.
Mobile Solutions. Solution. Software. Consider as Alternative to. Comments. Real World Use. Mobile Apps for Students. Molly provides a framework for building information portals for mobile devices.
A range of mobile devices are supported from low- to high- end through a single web interface using feature detection. Data can be pulled from a range of sources. Molly can be run in- house, allowing all institutional data to be kept secure within the institution’s network. Molly powers Mobile Oxford, used by University of Oxford and Oxford Brookes. Ref http: //oss. ly/4r. Enterprise Architecture and Service Management.
Solution. Software. Consider as Alternative to. Comments. Real World Use.
Enterprise Architecture. Archi and Bizz. Design Architect are both enterprise architecture modelling applications that use the Archimate standard.