The Microsoft Office Access Engine Could Not Find The Object Worksheets
Here are some basic database tasks that you can do to help you learn how to use Microsoft Access 2010.
Microsoft Access Tutorial for Beginners. Interested in more than just a guide?
Check out a full course. TABLE OF CONTENTS: CLICK TO JUMP TO A SPECIFIC SECTIONTable Design. Table Relationships. Form Design for Data Entry. Queries for Data Analysis and Reporting.
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Reports. Understanding and Using a Split Database. Compact and Repair. INTRODUCTIONWhat is Access? Canon Ip1300 Driver Xp Download on this page. Access is the database software that is part of the Microsoft Office Suite, which contains familiar programs like Word, Power.
Point, and Excel. An Access database is a place to store information such as names, addresses, activities, and any other type of personal or business data.
You also use a database to manage information through data entry and edits. And, it has tools for creating reports and mailings using your data. Reasons to use Access. How will Access help your work? Generally speaking, an Access database is a logical next step after Excel or other data programs when the data reaches a certain level of complexity or high volume, and when having multiple people using the same data is causing errors and confusion. What are the Pros and Cons of using Access?
The Pros: It is completely customizable to your individual and company needs. It is very affordable compared to other database packages. It is robust and flexible, and it can do almost anything an office or industrial environment needs it to do. The Cons: It doesn’t deploy very easily to the web or hand- held devices without using additional services like Sharepoint.
It requires a lot more learning and training than other Microsoft programs. 2D Bilder In 3D Umwandeln Software Downloads. It does have some size limits, although the limits are high enough that most offices can use Access with no problems. Is Access any different from Excel? Access differs from Excel in a couple of key ways, and in myriad small ways. The biggest difference is summed up by the Access adage: “Each piece of data is stored one time, in one place.” Instead of having lots of worksheets or documents with similar, repeated data, you will have each piece of data stored one time, in an Access table.
You can set up infinite ways to view and combine your data, but behind it all, the data will only ever exist in one place. Smith” somewhere else. The other key difference is that you can build highly functional data entry screens and report templates to create an elaborate and elegant database system. You and other users will be able to enter the data much more efficiently and accurately, and you will also be able to get a lot more out of the data using the reports and other analytical tools. What You Need Before You Start.
Before you get started on this tutorial and create a database, you should: have Microsoft Access software installed on your computer; be a comfortable computer user; have solid skills using Microsoft Office programs, such as Word or Excel; be familiar with the information that is going to go into the database, whether it’s customer data, equipment data, phone numbers and email addresses, etc.; have patience. Access is not learned in day, or a week, or even a month. Most Access professionals will tell you that even though they’ve been using Access for years, they learn something new about it every day. So take time to learn the fundamentals, then dive in and expect to learn a lot by trial and error. HOW TO USE THIS GUIDEIf you are starting a database from scratch, we recommend that you scan through the entire guide once. Then gather your data and jot down some ideas and questions. Come back to the guide again for step- by- step guidance as you start building your first database.
If you are learning Access so that you can use a database that someone else created, you should still skim through this entire guide, but you can focus on the section called “Working with an Existing Database” to come up to speed on the necessities. DATABASE CONCEPTSAccess Tables.
A database is a collection of tables which store data. By themselves, tables look a lot like Excel spreadsheets. They have rows and columns filled with information. That’s where the similarity ends. In order to work with a database, don’t think of a table as an array of rows and columns, but as a group of records, appearing in rows.
Each record is a unique item. In a table of DVDs, for example, each record would be a DVD title, such as “Jurassic Park.”Each record is subdivided into fields. Each field is a piece of information about that item. The DVD “Jurassic Park” would have fields for title, rating, running time, director, and year released.
Usually, each record also has a “Primary Key,” which is a numerical unique identifier. While the title of the DVD might be “Jurassic Park,” its Primary Key will be a number, like 1. Throughout the rest of the database, that record will usually be referred to simply by its Primary Key. Access is a relational database program. What does that mean? A relational database is a database where multiple tables are related to each other in specific ways.
For example, a relational SALES database puts information about customers in one table, and information about what those customers buy in another table. This structure results in two separate tables, CUSTOMERS and ORDERS. The reason for the separation is to eliminate redundancy or duplicates. Think about a single Excel spreadsheet: if John Smith had 1. And his name, phone number, and address would probably be duplicated all 1. There could be typos there, and it is certainly inefficient for data entry. Or, there might be two Excel spreadsheets, one with names and addresses, and one with orders, but no easy way to link to the two together.
In an Access database, John Smith would appear one time in the Customers table. His 1. 4 orders would be listed in the Orders table. Each Order record would contain his Primary Key number, thereby linking the information back to him.
Note: the data entry process for Orders creates an automatic entry for John Smith’s Primary Key, so that part is done by the system and not the user. It makes it quick and easy to enter orders for any customer, with fewer errors and duplication. Beyond Tables, what is Access all about?
You store all your data in tables, but you don’t do data entry in tables, and you don’t analyze or print your data from the tables. Access provides tools to set up a controlled, secure, and efficient way to do those things and more. In the rest of this guide, we’ll be discussing all of those tools and how to use them to build your custom Access database. A NOTE ABOUT VERSIONSThis tutorial contains screenshots from Access 2. The concepts, tools, and specific instructions will apply to any desktop version from 2. Office 3. 65. However, the screenshots will not reflect small visual differences among the versions.
This tutorial also focuses exclusively on using Access for Desktop, the most common usage of Access. This tutorial does not address the topics of web databases or databases for Sharepoint. ACCESS TERMS AND DEFINITIONSTables. Tables store raw data that is the backbone of the entire database system. Tables are often related to other tables in the file. Forms. Forms display live data from the tables for data entry or edit.
They are sometimes called “screens” or “user interface.” Data in a form is selected from one or more tables or queries. Menus/Dashboards are also types of forms.
Queries. Queries answer a question by selecting and sorting data for you based on what you want to know. For example, a query can tell you “how many open orders are there this month?” Reports. Reports display data in pre- formatted templates for printing or display. Data cannot be edited in reports.
It must be edited through in data entry, prior to running the report. Macros. Macros are mini computer programming shortcuts that allow you set up commands and processes in your forms, such as searching, moving to another record, or running a formula. Modules. Modules are processes and functions that you write using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).