The Typing Of The Dead 2 Crackheads
It had the makings of a perfect fairy tale story: There stood princess Norcoella, her yellow gown flowing in the slight breeze of the crackhead party. Smoking marijuana is something that many assume to be a safe and risk-free recreational activity. People aren’t even aware of how the drug affects the body!
What is That Gurgling Noise Inside You, and Why Is It Actually a Good Thing? We've probably all experienced that loud gurgling noise after a meal. You know, the one where you wonder if everyone else could hear? If you've ever wondered why it happens and whether or not it's normal, this article will answer those questions. The Process of Digestion. Let's start with what happens at mealtime. Unity Web Player By Vox Tv on this page. As you swallow your food, it passes through your esophagus and into your stomach.
It is your stomach's job to mix, blend and store your food for preliminary digestion and as this happens, there are muscular contractions of the layers in the stomach wall. As the food moves up and down in your stomach, hydrochloric acid (HCl) and enzymes are added to aid the digestion of your food. Once your stomach has completed its job, your pyloric valve opens and the food goes into your small intestine, where various enzymes, bicarbonate and bile go to work to further digest your food. Your small intestine, where 9. As your food passes through your small intestine on the way to your large intestine, its contractile waves move food around to enhance absorption.
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This is where the gurgling comes in. Gurgling sounds are actually the result of air and liquid in your bowels, which move about by the contractions of your intestines. This is medically known as peristalsis. The sounds can be heard with a stethoscope over your abdomen and often, they are loud enough to be audible to people near you. If your abdomen is totally silent most of the time, it may be an indicator of constipation.
A medical condition called ileus results when the muscle coat of the intestines . The result is constipation.
Medications, narcotics, bed rest, surgery, back and other injuries can contribute to this condition. But there are other, often- overlooked causes for ileus or .
The inner ecosystem is made up of the friendly microflora (good bacteria) that reside in our intestines and keep us healthy and strong. When pathogens, like the fungal species, candida, overtake the good bacteria in the gut, the inner ecosystem becomes damaged and immunity is compromised. Medical research in animals suggests that fungal toxins can penetrate the intestinal lining and cause the muscle coat of the intestines to . Both brains communicate to one another, which is why symptoms like constipation and irritable bowel syndrome may seem difficult to distinguish as physiological or psychological. Your Gut Brain and Motility.
Your gut brain controls the motility and action of your intestines. Problems with motility, like constipation, are a very challenging area of medicine today. Causes for motility disorders range from stress to the balance of healthy microflora in your inner ecosystem.
Medical research continues to find solutions, which may involve drugs or creating implantable pacemakers in the abdomen to stimulate peristalsis for the most serious cases. Heal Your Inner Ecosystem.
An anti- fungal diet, like the Body Ecology diet, is a great way to ensure that your inner ecosystem is teeming with the healthy microflora that aid your digestion and elimination. This is especially important as we age, since aging is a common cause of silent abdomen. As the immune system becomes less efficient with aging, it is easier for fungal overgrowths to occur, releasing toxins and slowing intestinal action. However, an imbalance of pathogenic bacteria and fungus can occur at any age if your diet contains too many simple carbohydrates and sugars. This condition should be considered if your abdomen is too silent and constipation is present. Interestingly, an unhealthy inner ecosystem can also cause too much gurgling, resulting in excessive elimination or diarrhea. The Body Ecology diet's probiotic- rich fermented foods are a great way to bring your inner ecosystem back into balance for either situation.
Bring this article to your doctor as a way to discuss possible options for your situation. Perhaps you feel fine and just hear that normal gurgling sound, and if you do, be happy that your nervous system is well balanced! Want more articles like this? Sign up to receive weekly articles. You'll also receive a 1.
Donna and her team.