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Blind. Cool. Tech. Archive. Blind. Cool. Tech Archive Page. Blind. Cool. Tech was created by Larry Skutchan and 2. The first podcast was uploaded on June 1, 2.
BlindCoolTech Archive Page. BlindCoolTech was created by Larry Skutchan and 2005. The first podcast was uploaded on June 1, 2005 and by the end of the year there were.
Audio wareZ Community for sound producers, composers and audio-enthusiasts with daily updates of sample libraries, VSTi plugins, video tutorials, multitracks and. Statistical Techniques
Larry and many others around the blind community. BCT also became a place where people could socialize and talk about many other things that weren’t necessarily technology related. I found the BCT website in December of 2. BCT continued to provide a wealth of podcasts until 2. BCT is once again alive on this tribute page to Larry and the much missed original BCT website. This is a huge source of history that hopefully will never be lost.
My thanks goes out to Larry for giving me permission to creat this page and to host all of the original podcasts that the BCT website originally held. There are currently over 1. BCT podcasts here that you can download and listen to.
Want to use Bit Sync to get these files? No problem, Davy Kager @Ducktail on Twitter is running the official BCT Bit Sync folder. The secret key is BPVKWPD6. T4. CVZWTTZ4. EHDHO6. TK4. EZDThanks to him for doing this. Remember that this is just a raw folder containing all of the files without descriptions. Check below for a much more user friendly page.
Download BT Sync. Here are descriptions for BCT podcasts from 2. There are some broken links for missing podcasts and other links in the podcast descriptions that point to other websites and products that no longer exist. If you find an incomplete podcast, please let me know about it. Heading level 1 moves by year and heading level 2 moves from podcast to podcast. Jeremy Curryand Doug Geoffray demonstrate Window Eyes running with Windows 8 at CSUN 2.
MB2/2. 3/2. 01. 2 Neal Ewersdescribes this portable recorder and shows how quietly both the internal and external XLR phantom power microphones can be. MB2/1. 5/2. 01. 2 Bob Jutzidescribes the techniques needed to use Quicken 2.
MB2/5/2. 01. 2 Drew Weberdescribes this 6. Yamaha, reviews the entire knob and button layout, talks about changing arpegios, connecting the keyboard to your computer, connecting a drive to the unit, and sequencing with the Windows sequencer. MB1/2. 9/2. 01. 2 Mike Arrigo. Shows how to overcome custom modifications to Android that manufacturers sometimes use that limits accessibility, shows how to connect a Bluetooth GPS receiver, demonstrates Google Goggles, and demonstrates a file manager. MB2. 01. 19/2. 7/2. Tim Hindlereviews this portable radio with exceptional FM Reception. The unit is small and easy to use for blind consumers.

Most buttons beep, and it can be locked for transport. MB9/2. 1/2. 01. 1 Rebecca Blaevoet. Introduces this innovative hand held reading device that enables instant access to print through built- in Braille and speech. See more at www. valleys- wordworks. MB9/1. 8/2. 01. 1 Mike Arrigoupdates his earlier report on accessible i. Phone GPS apps and demonstrates two particularly good ones–the Magellan Road Mate and the Motion X Drive. MB9/1. 3/2. 01. 1 Neal Ewersputs this newest recorder of the Zoom line through its paces.
MB9/9/2. 01. 1 Mike Arrigocontinues this informative series with a detailed discussion on Version 1. Lion, of the Mac operating system. MB7/2. 6/2. 01. 1 Nancy Vanderbrinkexplores the features and benefits of this software that lets you read the wide library of books from Amazon’s Kindle store with synthesized speech. MB6/1. 7/2. 01. 1 Neal Ewerscompares many aspects of this recorder with others from Olympus, notably contrasting the built- in microphones with those of the DM4. He describes the operation and features of this recorder and gets the new user running quickly by describing the essentials of battery installation and button placement and function.
Many consider Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 a step down from the first season due to increasingly absurd plot twists, the vast majority of the old cast.
MB6/1. 3/2. 01. 1 Mike Arrigocontinues this informative series with demonstrations on how to change the text- to- speech engine and the screen reader without loosing speech. He also shows an accessible messenger and Serotek’s i. Blink Radio app, connects an external Bluetooth GPS receiver, and shows Sendero’s Look Around GPS app. MB6/9/2. 01. 1 Steve Bauerinterviews Dawn Haley and Peter Johnson from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing about the new IOS app that identifies U. MB6/6/2. 01. 1 Victor Tsarandemonstrates the accessibility of the new Yahoo search feature that presents results directly as you type.
MB6/2/2. 01. 1 Christian Mollerdemonstrates this app running on an Android phone that lets licensed ameture radio stations communicate with one another. Tiger Woods 2005 No Cd Crack on this page. He is extremely pleased about how accessible the app is with screen reader software.
MB5/3. 1/2. 01. 1 Dane Trethowanreviews this replacement of the CCRadio 1. He explains that the analog TV channel selection has been replaced with a two meter ameture radio band. MB5/3. 0/2. 01. 1 Grace Kingand other instructors and students explain the benefits of this environment for learning and getting certified in networking. MB5/1/2. 01. 1 David Chungand Hayden Presley demonstrate this online basketball management game that is both accessible and challenging. MB4/2. 2/2. 01. 1 David Chongand Hayden Presley discuss approaches to working with math from the perspective of a blind high school student deeply interested in the subject. MB4/2. 1/2. 01. 1 Mary Emersondemonstrates various aspects of effectively using Windows Live Mail with JAWS 1.
Windows 7. 2. 5. 0 MB4/1. Mike Arrigocontinues this Android tutorial series with updates to information about phone hardware, discusses the pros and cons of Android vs IOS, shows how to update apps, and demonstrates the new Amazon mp. MB3/3. 1/2. 01. 1 Andre Louisdemonstrates this VST plugin from XLN Audio. MB3/3. 1/2. 01. 1 Becky Skipperdiscusses this software that makes editing and reading complex math expressions practical for blind students and professionals.
Infinity Project is a volentary organization of researchers seeking ways to make computers process scientific information. This software might be the first to let a blind student use optical character recognition (OCR) to scan a math textbook or work sheet and put the expressions into a common file format which can them be used with the editor. MB3/3. 0/2. 01. 1 Jess Smithshows how to create, delete, manage, and monitor hot spots with the Mac screen reader, Voice. Over. Hot Spots are important areas on the screen that you may need often.
MB3/2. 9/2. 01. 1 Dane Trethowanreviews this shortwave radio from C Crane. MB3/2. 6/2. 01. 1 Mike Arrigoshows how to use Mobilespeak Accessibility as a shell on an Android phone and covers some topics he missed in his first Android podcast. MB3/2. 5/2. 01. 1 Chela Robles instructs in the use of this instant messanger that is web based and does not require the installation of any additional software. MB3/2. 4/2. 01. 1 Zackery Binlydemonstrates this Daisy player, recorder, and mp. MB3/2. 3/2. 01. 1 Randy Formenntiroasts coffee right on the stove.
It smells great. 1. MB3/1. 2/2. 01. 1 Tim Hindleprovides some background about HD radio and describes this receiver. MB3/6/2. 01. 1 John gallagherdescribes where all the buttons and controls are located on Amazon’s Kindle, then he demonstrates and discusses the accessibility triumphs and pitfalls of this electronic book reader. MB3/6/2. 01. 1 Earl Harrisondemonstrates this accessible, online contact management system from Handy Tech North America. MB3/5/2. 01. 1 Carlos Palominodemonstrates the web browser in this accessibility suite that combines a screen reader and a platform of specially written applications for the Android phone. MB2/2. 8/2. 01. 1 Mike Arrigoteaches the use of the Android operating system with its built- in accessibility.
MB2/2. 6/2. 01. 1 James Deandemonstrates this virtualization software that lets you run Windows along side Mac programs without having to reboot. He also describes a keyboard mapping tool that is very useful. MB2/2. 3/2. 01. 1 Becky Skipperdemonstrates this application enabling users to read math problems using the function and arrow keys. MB2/1. 2/2. 01. 1 Heiko Folkertsdemonstrates the Korg AX3. G Guitar Multi effect board 8.