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Urban Legend of Zelda - TV Tropes. This entry is trivia, which is cool and all, but not a trope.

On a work, it goes on the Trivia tab. A hidden clue! I think the inscription says, . It's not hard to believe them, since the games often have real secrets and glitches that are so bizarre that they sound made- up. But the rumor persists in spite of all the evidence against it. After all, if it's in print, it must be true!
Other sources include mistranslated lines, aspects of the game being Dummied Out, and Missing Secrets. The Internet doesn't help either; while it's quick to debunk rumors, it's also very good at generating them. See Ascended Meme and Ascended Fanon. The most infamous of these is undoubtedly Eggnog's hidden character FWAK for Final Fantasy VI. FWAK stands for .
- The Super Nintendo Entertainment System video game console has a library of games, which were released in plastic ROM cartridges. The cartridges are shaped.
- Cheatbook your source for Cheats, Video game Cheat Codes and Game Hints, Walkthroughs, FAQ, Games Trainer, Games Guides, Secrets, cheatsbook.
Cheat Code Central's special feature section is loaded with articles you won't find anywhere else: from top ten lists to weekly rants to interviews with the. Wrestling Revolution 3D may not have the best graphics, animation, gameplay, or anything, you could call it a bit of a mess, but it undoubtedly holds true to the.
In those fandoms, rumors are meant to fill in the gaps of what happened behind the scenes or elsewhere in canon. It's most common in foreign fandoms who didn't get some of the original material. If the rumor is about something a creator allegedly said in an interview or fluff, see God Never Said That. For more information, check out Pop Fiction, an excellent Myth. Busters- type show on this very subject, or Did You Know Gaming? Even if it'san urban legend itself. Game Examples: open/close all folders Action- Adventure/Action/Adventure Older Than the NES: Numerous rumors surrounded the works of Ultimate Play the Game, later known as Rare.
Most famously, the cover of Lunar Jetman features a moon buggy towing a trailer. The game features the buggy, but not the trailer. Rumours abounded about what the player has to do to unlock access to the trailer. Crash magazine published a screenshot sent in by a reader showing that he had achieved this feat, but the screenshot was a fake . We know it doesn't exist.
Thanks to this, you can spend hours futilely trying to get a woman to take her clothes off. Talk about realism! It consisted of playing the 2- week vacation in 1. Button Mashing to skip everything as fast as possible. Suffice to say, the few people who actually managed this can confirm it doesn't work. Then- deputy editor Narayan Pattison superimposed a topless picture of Elle Mac.
Pherson into a screenshot of Golden. Eye (1. 99. 7), with the caption . Heck of it is, it actually sounded somewhat plausible at the time. Mortal Kombat had already pissed off plenty of parents, why not take it to the next level?
This was entirely spun out of misunderstanding a scene where Mega Man accidentally walks in on Roll in the shower; the only thing you see is Mega Man's embarrassed expression. People who hadn't seen the scene assumed this means the player can see Roll naked. Via emulation, glitches, hacks, and probably caffeine, a few members of the official forums have discovered some interesting Dummied Out sections of the map, but no 1. Extensive searching and hacks have shown that they do not exist (though you can mod in what they are supposed to do), yet the rumor persists. As a Self- Imposed Challenge, the player can put on a special outfit that makes them more visible to guards, thus making the game more difficult. There is a rumor that if you complete the bonus mission (all seven of the previous levels in a row) using this outfit, it unlocks a minigame.
What you actually get is a message that assumes you heard the rumor already and encourages you to continue telling people that the minigame exists. This isn't true in the original game; the volcano isn't fully solid, and the attempting to climb it will dump you out of the level.
A fan mod not only made the volcano climbable, but also imported data from Myst V to explore. A gaming magazine published an account from a gamer who claimed to have been able to do it, but the gamer himself proved mysteriously uncontactable when attempts were made to verify his claims. Many years later, the designers confessed the game was in fact Unwinnable by Design and it was impossible to kill Dracula. The two games are believed to contain various unused assets not included in other releases. These range from different outfits, unused weapons, better lighting (in the case of Tomb Raider III), and even unreleased levels, such as the entire Peru section that was cut from the final version of Tomb Raider III. Apparently, have had to find a secret room hidden in the Aquatic Research Area to acquire it.
Needless to say, neither the room nor the dagger exists. This has led to a few rumors that if you do that and leave him in there long enough, he'll be dead (or possibly frozen solid) when you do open it. Won't happen. After they got called on it, they . They couldn't know that later Rare really would make a game called Battletoads and Double Dragon.
He's got a long history, which goes from Mondegreen to Ascended Fanon. He was first mentioned in Ryu's win quote in Street Fighter II: The World Warrior: . The quote should be more like: .
He was even given this name in the manual for the SNES Street Fighter II, under Ryu and Ken's profiles. Then in Japan, Capcom called the character . In their version, you have to play as Ryu and win every fight without getting hit once.
Then you have to go ten rounds against M. Bison without either player landing a hit. At that point, Sheng Long will step in and challenge you; if you beat him, you unlock Sheng Long. It's Nintendo Hard, and EGM knew it. His appearance and abilities are very similar to those of Sheng Long, but Capcom would never confirm or deny that he was supposed to be Sheng Long. It was then revealed that Akuma is Gouken's brother.
The game's lead designer Alan Noon discussed it here. Finally, for April Fools' Day 2.
Japanese development blog for Street Fighter IV teased Sheng Long as a playable character. By this point, most players cynically dismissed it as a joke.
But a couple of weeks later, Capcom revealed that Gouken would become a character in the game (playable on the console version) — and in some form or another, he has every move EGM described back in 1. As for Sheng Long himself, the blog had this to say. Sheng- Long is still now, and always will be, truly a character of legend.
Other Street Fighter rumors. Street Fighter II had a persistent rumor that the SNES port has a .
People extrapolated this from the ability to play as characters in their Champion Editioncolors, which can't be done in the arcade, and the bosses have those colors too. The only way to play as the bosses is to hack the game, as in this South American bootleg version. The most popular was a move that shoots blood at the opponent, which will One- Hit Kill them if they have a different blood type. Through various arcane controller inputs, you can have Balrog bite his opponent (as Mike Tyson had recently done in Real Life) until the fight is called. Street Fighter IV uses one of those inputs (full joystick rotation and all three punch buttons simultaneously) for Balrog's new Ultra Combo, which doesn't involve biting but does involve other things not allowed in boxing (stomping the opponent's foot, headbutting, and elbowing them in the face). This was especially true after Brawl introduced Solid Snake, the series' first non- Nintendo character. This is enough that after Brawl, communities sprang up just for hacking new characters into the game.
Some of the rumored characters. Veritable Urban Legend of Zelda factory Electronic Gaming Monthly claimed that Melee features Sonic and Tails as unlockable characters (and gave a very nearly impossible method to unlock them). None of this is true, but it was so hard to pull this off that few gamers found out the hard way before EGM came clean.
The rumors carried over to Brawl; Sonic made it, but we're still waiting on Tails. It's adorable. Needless to say this isn't true, and the only screenshots offered were (rather obvious) photoshops, but it did gain some traction in certain circles. You can use a Gameshark to play as them, but the game will freeze at the end of the match because none of them have an animation for the post- match .
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