Control Mode Edit Display Mode Designer
The mode focuses on capturing and defending Control Points scattered around the map. To win the round, one of the teams must reduce the enemy's reinforcement tickets to zero or have more tickets than the enemy by the end of the round. The status of each control point on the map and amount of tickets both teams currently have is shown above the minimap. The US team owns points A, B, and C, the CN team controls only E, and D is neutral. The CN team is currently bleeding tickets, due to the US controlling over half the points on the map.
In Conquest, both teams start the match with a set number of Respawn/Reinforcement Tickets, usually just referred to as Tickets. This is essentially the team's available . If a team's tickets are reduced to zero or are lower than the enemy's by the end of the round timer, they lose the match. When one team gains control of over half the control points on the map, the enemy team will begin losing tickets at a fixed rate based off of how many bases they are behind the opposition. Essentially, the more control points a team owns, the faster the enemy will involuntarily lose tickets.
This makes point capture the main objective of Conquest, as it is the fastest method to use up all of the enemy's tickets. The secondary objective is to kill enemy players to force ticket loss. This makes killing enemies the secondary objective of players during Conquest as it will force the enemy to respawn and spend a ticket, but is a much slower method compared to actually capturing control points.
A team with less killing potential than their opponents can still win a match simply by just focusing on capturing control points. Tickets are essentially . If a revive is rejected, the ticket will not be refunded as the player has to spawn again.
Revives are especially important near the end of close matches, sometimes being the only way to stave off ticket bleed long enough to capture enough control points to win. Victory ratings are based off of remaining friendly tickets, while defeat ratings are based off of remaining enemy tickets. This has not appeared in subsequent games in the series. They are set areas of the map that can be captured by players to act as spawn points for their team. Alongside contributing to the ticket bleed on the enemy, owned Control Points can also offer other advantages to the team, such as spawning vehicles, emplaced weapons, Battle Pickups, Resupply Cabinets, or just allowing easier access to the rest of the map.
Capture zones are within range of the base's flagpole (or flare pile, in the case of Battlefield Hardline). The size of capture areas vary widely between maps, with some being large enough for vehicles to capture the objective while others may only have enough space to accommodate infantry. Many times, they can also deliberately be set out of range of cover, forcing players to risk going out into the open in order to capture it. Battlefield 4 and Battlefield Hardline both display a base's capture area on player's minimaps once they are within range of the objective. The rate of capture can be increased by having more friendly players within the zone, but will decrease with enemy players in the zone. If the same amount of players from both teams are in the zone, capture progress will be completely stopped until one side has more players in the area, either by being joined by other players or killing enemies. Players cannot spawn on neutral flags.
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Opposing players can revert Conquered bases to Neutral, and then Capture them for their team. Friendly players can revert a Captured control point back to Neutral, and then Conquer it for their team. Uncaps generally don't have flagpoles unless they can be unlocked at some point. Games featuring Commander resources will generally have them located here or nearby.
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In the Assault Lines variation, the defending team's uncap will be . Differences between variations vary from the amount of flags present on the map, as in Conquest Large, to significant changes in game rules, as with Chainlink and Assault Lines. The map's description on the loading or briefing screen instead list what version of Conquest is being played.
Later games in the series have variants classified as separate gamemodes in the server browser. Both teams own an Uncapturable base, while all other Control Points start out as neutral.
Conquest Head- On, simply called Conquest and Conquest Small in later games, is the standard variant of Conquest in the series. In Head- On, teams start on opposite ends of the map at their uncap while all other points on the map start out as neutral. Players must then fight for control of the neutral flags on the map.
The opposing team will begin to bleed tickets once a team has captured more than half of the control points on the map. Notice the addition of the Echo flag and the Mobile Anti- Air vehicle for each team. Introduced with Battlefield 3, Conquest Large, also called Conquest 6. Head- On that features more control points and additional vehicle types on the map, as well as a maximum player count of 6. The gamemode was created to provide larger play areas and player counts for PC players at the release of Battlefield 3, but the gamemode became available to console players with Battlefield 4's release on eighth generation consoles.
Gameplay rules are the same, with each team having an uncap and battling for control of the neutral points. Unlike the Conquest version which uses the whole map, Domination only takes place between the Gas Station and Hilltop. Players will spawn to a random area near teammates when they deploy. Domination (originally Conquest Domination) is a Conquest variant introduced with Battlefield 3: Close Quarters.
Based off of the Quake and Call of Duty gamemode, Domination is a smaller scale version of Conquest Head- On focused on infantry combat. Control Points capture significantly faster than in regular Conquest, and no vehicles spawn on the map. This makes the mode much more fast paced and combat focused compared to other variants. Ticket bleed is still inflicted by owning over half of the Control Points on the map, and the first team to reduce the enemy's ticket count to zero or have a greater number of tickets by the end of the round wins the match. The defending team starts with control over all flags on the map but has no uncap, while the attacking team control only an uncap and, occasionally, a forward base. Attackers are also able to win by default by capturing all Control Points on the map and killing all living enemy players, as the enemy will have no where to spawn back into the game. The PAC's Home Base remains locked (designated by the lock icon) until the EU captures all other Control Points.
Introduced with Battlefield 2. Rosetta Stone Crack Update Language Pack. Northern Strike, Assault Lines is a variant of Conquest Assault. However, defenders also control a special flag called their Home Base. Arcgis Server 10 Download Crack Fifa. This flag is similar to an uncap in that is uncapturable for most of the game, but if the attackers manage to capture all other flags besides it, it is then unlocked for capture.
If the attacking team captures the defender's Home Base, they automatically win the round. Notice that neither team owns an Uncapturable base. Conquest Double Assault, also called Hybrid Conquest, is a combination of Conquest Assault and Conquest Head- On and is the only version of Conquest featured in Battlefield: Bad Company. Refractor- era games feature this gamemode as the . Neither team has an uncap in this mode, and a team will lose if they own no Control Points and have no living players, as in Conquest Assault.
This makes capture and control of objectives very important in this gamemode compared to other variants, as a team will lose very quickly without a balanced attack and defense due to there being no uncap to fall back to if needed. Unique to the map, the NVA will receive a spawn point near any US controlled flag as long as they have one Control Point captured.