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CIL is half way between source code and native code, and is interpreted by the . NET framework when your program is run, rather than executed directly as machine code. Because of this, the source code of your application or library can be easily reproduced. Tools such as . NET Reflector (www. NET assemblies in seconds, and in the . NET language of your choice! Clearly, commercial software distributed to end users without some form of protection is wide open to piracy and intellectual property theft.
The traditional solution to intellectual property protection in . NET is to use 'obfuscation', indeed Microsoft make an obfuscation utility available to Visual Studio users. Obfuscation works by replacing the meaningful names you assign to classes, methods, properties and variables with meaningless ones. For example, it may replace a variable name of .
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NET Memory Profiler. A powerful tool for finding memory leaks and optimizing the memory usage in programs written in C#, VB.NET or any other.NET Language. I knew it was going to be good before even seeing it. After all, SQL Source Control is from the guys who brought us SQL Compare and Data compare, two of my. Redgate's SQL Toolbelt contains the industry-standard products for SQL Server development, deployment, backup, and monitoring. Together, they make you productive. Devart is a vendor of database management software, database connectivity solutions, and developer productivity tools.
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Note that obfuscation does nothing to the source code within your methods, so it is not protected at all by obfuscation. Because the CIL in your assembly is emitted intact only at run time or design time (in a form in which the source is completely inaccessible), no tool is capable of decompiling . NET Reactor protected assemblies. The native code wall created by .
NET Reactor between the hacker and your source includes industry leading Necro. Bit technology, which is exclusive to . NET Reactor. These technologies make reconstruction of your source code more difficult by so many orders of magnitude that Necro. Bit is by far the most effective protection you can use for . NET assemblies. In addition to industry leading intellectual property protection, . NET Reactor provides powerful options for securing you revenue stream by enforcing licensing terms with a rich variety of trialversion and full version locks.
Key Features. Description. Whatever your . NET product, . NET Reactor protects it. Windows. Windows Forms Applications, Console Applications, Windows Services, Control & Class Libraries, WPF Applications & Libraries. Win. RT/Metro. Applications &. Libraries. Web. ASP. NET Applications & Libraries, ASP.
NET Services, WCF Services, Sharepoint Web. Parts. Silverlight. Silverlight Applications & Libraries. Smart Device. Windows Phone and Compact Framework Applications & Libraries.
Others. SQL Server CLR Assemblies, Mono Applications & Libraries. NET Reactor offers full protection support for your ASP. NET Applications and Libraries. Necro. Bit replaces the CIL code within methods with encrypted code. This way it is not possible to decompile/reverse engineer your method source code.
No tool can disassemble/decompile . NET Reactor protected code. ILDASM(the Microsoft Intermediate Language disassembler) will actually report that it cannot interpret . NET Reactor protected assemblies. This way it is not possible to directly open your protected application in a decompiler. The decompiler recognizes your protected application as a native EXE file.
In combination with the Native EXE File feature and Necro. Bit, . NET Reactor is able to convert managed methods into REAL x. Only methods which doesn't affect the runtime and platform behavior (mostly small methods like property getters/setters..) are converted into native code. Declarative Obfuscation support allows you to directly define which types and members should be excluded from obfuscation.
This can be done by using the custom attribute System. Reflection. Obfuscation. Attribute in your source code. Decompilers are not able to decompile the spaghetti code back to your original source code.
String encryption makes it difficult for a hacker to understand your code and to attempt a code patch of your assembly, as he will be unable to identify the text of messages or other useful strings, making it much more difficult to identify where to patch your code. 5 Kingdoms Of Life Activities Of Plants. This feature has a built- in protection against assembly manipulation. Strong Name Removal Protection prevents your protected assembly from being tampered by hacker tools as they are not able to correctly resign the assembly with a different stong name. NET Reactor can improve protection and assembly size by compressing and encrypting your managed resources. At runtime, when required the resources are automatically decompressed and decrypted. Powerful and flexible, the .
NET Reactor licensing features allow you to enforce your license conditions and protect your revenue stream by using hardware and software locks. The license manager can build trial or permanent licenses, in a matter of seconds.
A fully documented software development kit (SDK), complete with examples, allows you to call the licensing system directly from your code, allowing you to create custom extensions to the licensing system.